Sunday, 31 July 2016

How To Design Responsive Blogger Template


How To Design Responsive Blogger Template

How Responsive Blogger template is one of the most important issues that most blogger wordpress users ask because there are a lot of plugins and themes that are responsive model, in fact, there are also issues that are blogger sensitive users, but many who use free Blogger templates do not have these features and always asking questions such as how to make blogger template sensitive. You must be knowing that due to the increasing number of mobile users and tablets screen sizes and different design teams your Blogger blog will not be displayed properly on all devices with different sized screenshot

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It is therefore very important for your model blogger reagent to be displayed properly on all devices, regardless of user visits your blog through offices of 15 inches or 10 inches or tablets or mobile phones. If your blog template is responsive so it will not deal with all the challenges in the minutes and automatically resize to display properly on devices with different screen sizes.
So in this post I will show you the best you can make your blog template blogger reactive visitors do not face a problem while viewing your website on different devices

How To Design Responsive Blogger Template

The first step to make your model blogger reagent is added viewport meta tag in your template. What this meta tag viewport is simply telling the browser to change based on the size of the screen, regardless of their view of the tablet or mobile or desktop size. To do this simply add viewport meta tag below in the head section of the Blogger template then let's do it
1)  Go to your blogger dashboard

2) Click on Templates

3) Click on Edit HTML and search for <head>

4)  Paste the below mentioned code in the head section of your blogger template

<meta content=’width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1′ name=’viewport’/>

What this code does it simply tells that viewport width should be same as the device width and it’s set to initial value as 1

Now we will go ahead and add different code for each screen and device types to make our template responsive and for this we are going to use media queries

Make Blogger Template Responsive With Media Queries

You must put the below mentioned code after


In the below mentioned code the max width simply says that if the width of the device is less than or equal to a particular media query then use the following CSS code to render the blogger template and if it more than that it will move to another media query and select the right media query to display our blogger blog on different devices with different screen sizes. So simply copy the below mentioned code and paste after

]]></b:skin>  of your blogger template to make it responsive

/* For Desktops and Laptops*/

@media only screen and (max-width : 1280px) {

/* If device width is less than or equal to 1280px */


/* For Tablets*/

@media only screen and (max-width : 1024px) {


/* For Small Tablets*/

@media only screen and (max-width : 768px) {


/*For iPhones */

@media only screen and (max-width : 640px) {


/* Mobiles */

@media only screen and (max-width : 480px) {


/* Small Mobiles */

@media only screen and (max-width : 320px) {


So friends this was template blogger how to respond if you like this tutorial, please share with other bloggers users who also want to make sensitive blogger template, although this is very important, since the number of mobile users have increased considerably since the last 4 or 5 years and I think there are more users who surf the Internet via mobile phones and tablets compared to desktops and laptops, as they are mobile mode, and in the coming years this number will continue to rise only so if you have not done your template blogger meeting, please go and do it now to give visitors a better navigation experience.
