Thursday, 23 June 2016

How To Build Backlinks For A New Website / Blog SEO


Article Submission, backlinks, Blog Comment, Dofollow, Manually SEO, SEO, Traffic, wordpress

How To Build Backlinks For A New Website / Blog SEO

If you want to know how to build backlinks for the new website for SEO or how to get backlinks to the blog in SEO, then you're in good position, because here I will share the best tips and tricks to help a range of its new brand on the Google website fast. Many website owners and bloggers beginners usually do not know the right strategies and SEO techniques to improve the ranking of your site in Google. But to increase your website or blog ranking Google site, they have to build backlinks quality to your blog or website because although many internet marketers and experts believe that SEO to boost your Google ranking, try the links high quality back to your blog site and yes, it is true that you have actually only creating quality backlinks, which is the only strategy that will work.Build backlinks for the new site or blog it is one of the most important to increase website traffic and exposure to your blog search engine site things. Rank in Google will get more traffic on your site or blog for free. However, many bloggers starting and webmaster choose the wrong strategy to strengthen ties and techniques that ultimately results in google penalty to protect your website worth that Google should only choose the right technology to build backlinks to your new website or blog and if you are able to get quality backlinks to your new blog site, work as much and you'll get more traffic exposure is very essential for any blogger or person who has declared his website business.

How To Create Backlinks For A New Website / Blog Quickly

1) Screen visits - Although there were many rumors about whether guest blogging is safe and there was a lot of criticism in the world of SEO and Google own communities regarding the effect of blogs guests SEO. Why, because earlier guest blogging was one of the fastest ways to get backlinks to your blog and any owner of blogger or website would approach any blogger to a client after 500 words and get links kick, but was captured extreme by many spammers who in turn apply to Google to take guest blogging practices closely. So if you are afraid that if you need to do guests or blogs, then yes you can. Why guest blogging was a concern for Google because of the bad intentions of bloggers to manipulate the classification and according to Google all link building strategies with the goal of Google ranking will follow closelyBut you do not have to worry at all if you are guest blogging the right way. Only accounting guest is in place and relevant websites Say you are in the niche of "health and fitness" and if you are guest posting and technology acquisition retracement of the blog, then it is not media ethics to create backlinks for your new website, but what you do on relevant sites, then you will be perfectly fine
2) Blog commenting - Blog commenting is one of the easiest to build backlinks for the new blog or website. Just find relevant blogs in place and after valuable feedback that way, not only will you be able to build backlinks easily, but you can also get more exposure and build loyal subscribers and fast visitors to you blog . The best thing to create links fast reverse is to find a luv comment enabled blogs what this does is when you blog comments it receives a backlink to your last post, as there are a lot of blogs that have the plugin CommentLuv to provide backlinks dofollow works wonderfully so not only blog comments to get your blog around the world, but they are able to obtain quality and relevant backlinks pointing to your blog that is more important to increase rankings of Google

Build backlinks with blog comments3) awareness Blogger - Blogger awareness can be very fruitful for bloggers who can write quality content for your blog or website Because there are many bloggers who have used this strategy to increase backlinks and very fast've been able to rank for a keyword in googleBut here you have to be little careful and this strategy will not work for you if you are not able to build quality products and highly sought after because no blogger would like to link to your article, if you do not provide the value is new and no one else has provided one of the best examples is Brian backlinko dean did what he did, he published the post on Google factors that have obtained hundreds of new backlinks broke and classification of your blog on the first page of Google within weeks classification . Brian Dean used the technique of the known art skyscrapers, which is to produce the most useful, relevant type and content that is currently published on the Internet. I'll write about this technique in the future post to keep coming and I believe that friends will be amazed by the results you get using the strategy impact of blogsYou only have to communicate with other bloggers in your niche are talking about your new article on your site or blog and ask them to connect with future work, even if asked whether the content is awesome and very helpful when they connect naturally but it is very advisable to ask if you feel that, in fact, your article is also interesting links and the other blogger will be happy to do so because they provide value to your readers4) broken Links- Find broken links on popular websites in your niche and asking and recommending to link to your newly published in their blog post is another way to get backlinks for your new website. However, a recommendation for you not recommend any link unless it is relevant and provide value to another site owner and if the article is relevant and useful, then you can acquire good and high quality links to your site blog that Google He loves more because they come from the main points of authority in your niche5) Social Bookmarking - Social bookmarking is another way to create backlinks to your blog and there are many social networking sites great authority and as high scores as Reditt, delicious, Digg and StumbleUpon So every time new content is published in your website or blog, you must submit to these sites popular social bookmarking, but there are other social bookmarking sites that are also good, especially if your site is new and the other advantage of social bookmarking is that it will increase its rate scanning and indexing in Google
So folks them was how to build backlinks for the new site / blog for SEO and if you like this advice please share and subscribe and do not forget to tell me how to find links to your site or blog with comments that I am always willing to learn new tricks and tips link building! Keep blogsBefore updating penguin life was much easier in terms of link building for SEO, but because of the many spammers are constantly trying to Game Rankings of Google have used these techniques to the extreme and that is why now google It keeps an eye on these activities and techniques. So if you have just started a new website or blog, but not confused or wondering what are the safest ways it is to build backlinks to my new website or blog for SEO and in this post I will show you the best backlinking strategy works and you will be able to easily get quality backlinks for the new website or blog free and fast. So without wasting much time we will see the best tips and tricks backlinking
