Saturday 18 June 2016

New Post Fast In Google 2016 WordPress Ping List to Index


If you want to know the list of ping more wordpress in 2016 after having landed in the best position because not only I will list the best and most effective sites ping for WordPress you can use to index new blog and fast page google and other search engines. I saw many bloggers starting often complain that their new blog entries to be indexed faster on Google, Yahoo, Bing and other engines faster and faster, search and even when I am not well aware of ping services so General wait for search engines to crawl my blog and the new position and index pages that day to put on my blog was really a waste of time, but thanks to these sites that allow Ping our new blog posts index quickly in Google and other search engines in a couple of minutes.

Therefore, if you are also facing the same problem of slow indexing your new post or page, then I recommend you to add the list of ping wordpress mentioned later in the configuration table wordpress and I assure you you will not have to wait to see his new position fast Google indexing.

Why is this important and one of the best examples I can give is that if you are in affiliate marketing, then there are some promotional offers that only last a few hours or maybe a day, then I guess if that new position may be revised after not indexed in google quickly, then you lose a lot of opportunities to make money, because your new blog will take 2 to 3 days to get indexed in google if you are not updating your blog regularly, but with the help of ping sites listed below for WordPress, you can easily see your new charge on Google with a few minutes after the publication of the new entry or page. So without wasting much time below the list they are the most important and best sites languish wordpress 2016 will feel like wordpress settings for faster indexing your new posts and pages
