Thursday 16 June 2016

Blogs Guest Traffic, SEO, Backlinks and Link Building Blog / Website


I think many bloggers and website owners do not know that to do guest blogging just to get backlinks and build links to our website or blog, but it is good to get backlinks quality, but should not be too much and you need to know how important it is to maintain a good link profile natural recoil to improve your ranking in Google and other search engines, so the best strategy to make sure the do occasionally and most important your backlink profile should look naturally google if you blog or website could be a problem.

Guest blogging for SEO

 Matt Cutts on Guest Blogging Created Misunderstanding among bloggers. Guest Blogging is a great way to increase laser targeted traffic to your blog as well as an excellent way to improve and increase blog readers, also called blogs is the wider use of links used by bloggers and reinforcement techniques webmasters and increase your blog SEO and search engine ranking quickly, but Cutts Matt has a different opinion and lately by Google Matt Cutts favorite shocked the world of blogs and bloggers with the latest updated client for this post blogs discuss this subject and lets see what Matt Cutts thinks and says of guest blogs.

Matt Cutts visitors Blogging for SEO

Recently Matt Cutts of Google argue that guest blogging is not going to be much more beneficial in terms of SEO and link building because many small and spam sites do this more often to get backlinks dofollow and increase your page rank below are some quotes that Matt Cutts has to say about guest blogging for SEO
"Okay, I'll call: If you use blogs guests as a way to get links in 2014, should probably stop Why Because over time, has become a practice increasingly spam and if.? You do a lot of blogs with guests then connects the patient with very bad company "

It was exactly what Matt Cutts said in guest blogging and bloggers were asked to stay away, but later changed his mind and said:
"It seems that most people are getting the spirit of what he meant, but I'll add one little more context. I'm not looking to throw the baby out with the bathwater. There continue to be many good reasons for a customer blogs (exposure, branding, increasing the scope, community, etc.). These factors existed long before Google and will continue in the future. And there are some absolutely fantastic, high quality guest bloggers out there. "

So basically that Matt Cutts says about customers blogs for SEO it is that it is always very important to do guest blogging and there are several benefits of blogging guests unless and until you get to the track and do good intentions.

Now you know how to do blogs and customer focus to SEO Let's take a look at how we can get backlinks and build a link to our blog or website and increase the ranking on Google, but I would suggest not focus on one strategy to get backlinks instead of its diverse link profile and give a natural look because if google feels then you can get a relief, even if there is no such sanction algorithm google for guests of blogs but be in the safe side. His great Yes.

Guest Blogging for traffic strategy

So far, you should have learned that blogs fruitfully guest is then to add to what I'll show you how you can make customer traffic and blogs do not know that any owner blogger or website that do not He likes to have more and more traffic coming to your blog or website. So let's see how you can leverage this to increase your traffic and at the same time to get more sales, subscribers, prospects and faithful the most important readers for your blog or website.

1) Always try to show invited the big and tall blogs of authority in your niche market because these high authorities of the blogs get massive traffic and if the content is good and relevant then you may Hugh get more traffic to through their blogs. I'm sure you must be knowing and reading other blogs in your niche to get ideas and learn new tricks and tips why do not host blogs for them and you can increase traffic to use this simple strategy.

2) For beginners bloggers can be an excellent starting point to introduce this new blog community in particular and get some good amount of traffic to your blog or website. I know how hard it is to get traffic to a blog especially during the first month when you only have a few blog posts on the blog, if you are able to write quality content, then surely you can improve your blog traffic quickly with guest blogging, because I have seen many bloggers whose own blog is to have some blog posts, but doing guest posting, you are able to bring good amount of traffic to your own website.

3) Imagine if you write about how to make blogs and if your blog posts are published in then the amount of traffic and credibility that you can win is huge for problogger is one of the best blogs on blogs in niche So you need to use this strategy. There is no point in submitting articles as a guest on blogs that become only little traffic and I'm sure if blog owners become less traffic then how is it that you will be able to get decent traffic. So the best strategy here is to find great blogs and great authority in your niche and do guest posting for them and see how this technique can rocket your traffic statistics once their blog posts and live on their blog.

4) If a beginner and do not know how to find blogs that accept guest posts then below are simple query you can type in google and get the best blogs in your niche to send their messages of customers because tops the results and of good blogs ranking source Google ranks only useful sites very relevant in the top 10 so you can visit and the tone of his client.

Google Search queries to find blogs which accepts guest posts on their blog

[keyword] blogs
[keyword] “submit a guest post”
[keyword] “submit post”
[keyword] “submit an article”
[keyword] “guest post”
[keyword] “guest blog”
[keyword] “write for us”
[keyword] “become an author”
[keyword] “become a contributor”
[keyword] “become guest writer”
[keyword] “guest column”
[keyword] “guest blogger”

5) Similarly, you can visit many questions answers Quora and sites like Yahoo Answers, including forums and other social media sites to get the idea about the height of anonymous blog owners messages, but this is more important and I saw many beginning bloggers who have never had much success with guest blogging because they know what topics to launch and this is one of the biggest reason that their client stations never accepted by the blog owner.

Imagine if you are throwing an item that is already published on the blog then go to the new owner of the blog is and how useful it can be your article in your community. Here I am not saying that it can not be accepted because each poster or guest blogger has their own way of presenting their ideas and each blogger has different advice, but to increase your acceptance rates can simply write a completely different job that blog owners they find it very hard to resist.

Blogs guests backlinks

After reading this far, you must be knowing that how beneficial it is guest blogging for SEO and traffic, but you know that guest blogging, you can also get backlinks high quality and is very easy that I will share in this section.
By making guests then blogs, you can leave a link to your blog or web page that can be either in content or in the section Fan, I guess if you get backlinks from many high blogs authority in your niche then surely these links recoil, increase your SEO ranking in google fast.

But here, be careful when linking to their own content and make it useful to your readers and add value to that particular content, where you link if the blog owner simply remove link or worse reject your message and I'm sure that He does not want the strategy safest and best way to take special precautions during this operation.

To get the most out of guest blogging in terms of SEO is to read the guidelines blogs guests are set by the owner of the blog and watch first backlinks that offer some offer only a backlink through biography of the author, but you can find many blogs that provides 2 inbound links so you can do here is to add a link to your blog or website and a popup link on your blog that is very relevant in the context of this article particular. That's why you should read consumer posting guidelines before Emplacement messages and you can see the number of inbound links that offer so you can plan accordingly and plan your strategy to increase the value of your SEO.

Guest blogs for Link Building Strategy

So you know how to host blogs for SEO and backlinks that you can start now use the techniques that I have to mention also ensure that they do guest blogging as building strategy number of a link, but you can do regular guest blogs but try to get backlinks with other methods, because this will make your natural looking backlink profile in the eyes of Google and deal with any problems.

If you can make 1-2 anonymous messages on popular blogs in your niche in one month, then it is greater than enough to increase your SEO ranking and traffic. I have seen many bloggers who have opted for this strategy and increase your blog or website Google ranking significantly.

Bonus Tip - If you want to get backlinks and really boost your SEO, then you can only make a guest post for a popular blog and then move on to others, especially if you just want to focus on the views of SEO but if you really want to increase your brand awareness, authority, credibility and traffic, must then publish regularly invited to popular blogs with reflection and the results they are truly amazing safely.

Literally, I have seen many bloggers who regularly invited to show the best blogs, but worth worrying about whether or not they backlinks. Why? Do you think they're crazy at all, even if they do not receive backlinks that are least worried all the time they get good and decent traffic, leads, more subscribers, more readers and get more exposure which helps tremendously to build their most popular brand.

So even if not then no incoming links you receive if the blog is super high authority worry, then you should make the viewing client for them without hesitation and this will really help you quickly boost your domain authority will improve your SEO generally your blog or website.

Over To You

So this was how blogs invited friends to SEO, traffic, backlinks and link building and hope that as the guest blogging strategy. If you really liked that please share and subscribe because if you are a guest blogger then I will post messages related nearest series and I'm sure you really do not want to miss.

Please also share your thoughts and views in the comments section that I really like to discuss and learn new things and strategies of my readers and tell me how you use guest blogging and what were the results in terms of SEO, traffic and backlinks. Good blogs.

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