Tuesday 28 June 2016

How To Adding Author Bio Box On Blogger


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How To Adding Author Bio Box On Blogger

 If you want to learn how to add to the biography of the author blogger or how to add author box in blogger, then you are on the right post, because here I will share the best blogger tips add the box author biography in your Blogger blog. You must have seen many bloggers like to end his blog post for a short biography or introduction for more exposure and connect with your visitors and this is a great way to build your blog readers and are the best ways to build on my page and adding author bio box below each blog entry on your blog.
However, there are many WordPress plugins that adds this author box on your blog, but for those who use blogger know not how to add the author box bio blogger and therefore wandering think how without plug-in official blogger and the gadget or widget that we can. But do not worry I'm here to share the wonderful tricks to accomplish this easily. So without wasting much time we'll start this blogger tutorialRead - How friendly model Blogger Mobile 

How To Adding Author Bio Box On Blogger

 Here I will show you the best ways that you can add author bio box in the blogger and we will see each of them one by one

Add Author Box In Blogger  – Method 1

The first method is very simple by using HTML/ Javascript in your blogger to do this just follow the below mentioned steps

1) Log in to your blogger dashboard

2) Click on layout and simply click on “Add a gadget”

3) A pop up window will open and select HTML/ Javascript

4) Now give the title to your gadget like ” About author” or anything else you like and paste the below mentioned code in the content area


<img alt=’ Your Name’ height=’100′ src=’Image URL’ width=’100’/>
<p> Short Description about yourself including your blog or website link </p>
<h4>Facebook<a href=’ Facebook Page URL’ target=’_blank’></a></h4>
<h4>Twitter <a href=’ Twitter Profile URL’ target=’_blank’></a></h4>
<h4>Google plus<a href=’ Google Plus Profile URL’ target=’_blank’></a></h4>


5) Hit the Save button and drag the Author bio gadget where you want for eg if you want to display the author box below every blog post then drag it below the blog posts area as shown below

Add Author Bio In Blogger  – Method 2

1) In your blogger dasboard

2) Click on layout and simply click on “Add a gadget”

3) A pop up window will open and select the gadget called ” Profile” as shown below

4) Now Give the title and click on the check box which says “show about me” and hit the save button that’s it and it will show your Google plus profile in your blogger blog

Best way to show author bio each below blog post in blogger

1) Go to your blogger dashboard and click on layout

2) Now in  “Blog Posts” gadget you will see the edit link at bottom click on that a pop up window will open

3) Scroll down and check the box which says ” Show Author Profile Below Post” and Hit the Save button

Add Multiple Author Bio Box in Blogger  – Method 3 

Some times you might be having multiple author blog where many bloggers are contributing or you might be accepting guest post on your blogger blog So it’s very essential for you to show who the author is and give your readers more information about that particular author and the best way to do this is to add multiple author bio box below each post in blogger.

However for single author blog the above method will work like charm but for multiple author box it’s a bit difficult for newbie blogger users to achieve this but no worries I have the solution for you and you can easily add multiple author bio box below each blog post in blogger

Steps to Add Multiple author bio box below each post in Blogger
1) In your blogger dashboard click on Template

2) Now click on “Edit HTML”  and expand your blogger template by clicking the small arrow icon on the left side

3) Now press CTRL + F and find ]]></b:skin>  and paste the below code above this

 .about-author {

background:# d6eaf2 none repeat scroll 0 0;

border:1px solid # bcd2db;



margin:0 0 18px;



.about-author img {

background:#FFFFFF none repeat scroll 0 0;

border:1px solid #9ED0DF;



margin:0 10px 0 0;


Now search for the line <div class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-1′> and paste the below mentioned code below it

<div class=’about-author’>
<img alt=’ Your Name’ height=’100′ src=’Image URL’ width=’100’/>
<p> Short Description about yourself including your blog or website link </p>
<h4>Facebook<a href=’ Facebook Page URL’ target=’_blank’></a></h4>
<h4>Twitter <a href=’ Twitter Profile URL’ target=’_blank’></a></h4>
<h4>Google plus<a href=’ Google Plus Profile URL’ target=’_blank’></a></h4>

Note  – for each time you add new author name make sure to add it below the line <div class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-1′> otherwise it will not appear below the blog post

So friends this was how to add author bio box in blogger if you like this blogger tutorial please share with other blogger users and don’t forget to share and subsribe to get more blogger tips and tricks
