Sunday 28 August 2016

26 Blogging Tips and Tricks For Beginners


26 Blogging Tips and Tricks For Beginners

So you're looking for blogs advice for new blogging and if you are really new to the world of blogging so let me tell you is a great hobby and blogs that can make handsome amount of money if you do so Regular, good planning and intelligently for new blogging who are just entering the field of blogging should know that blogging is not an exact science, it's just an online journal where you write what you like and want to put your words around the world for people to read your experience and learn something new so do stress if new blogger and has never done before. Seriously when I started blogging not know anything about SEO and believe me, and now my blog ranks well in the search engines then you will learn to continue to write and learn new things

I get this question asked many times how to start blogging, how to blog, what is SEO and many different issues that can not read and sleepless nights, I had to learn how blogs so in this post I will share 26 tips for new blogging blogs that can happen and I always like to give advice and suggestions to my friends and other blogging beginners so this message is going to be very long for so enjoy !!

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26 Blogging Tips and Tricks For Beginners

1) Think About the Topic - this is the first step to start their travel blogs without this you can not go any further, ask yourself what they think like most, what subjects to keep talking for a long time, what are their special knowledge and skills you have that might be beneficial to others and simply choose the best topic for your blog
2) Target a Niche - Again, this is the tip of top blogs for new blogging need to target a specific niche or more likely a niche in the niche for example, suppose you like to dance and have a great number of new tips and steps that your readers might like so do not just start blogging about dance instead of choosing a specific style of dance as dance hip-hop, acrobatic dance, folk dance, jazz, etc to do this, declaring itself as a niche authority and people will actually start following your blog and get more readers and a good ranking in the search engine market and higher ranking means more traffic
3) Blogging Platform - Now again this is what new blogging are confused and do not really know about different blogging platforms like Blogger available, WordPress, TypePad, Joomla, Tumblr, etc, but I will suggest I go to the hosted free Wordpress blog because it has full control over your blog, but if you just try to test their skills and Blogger blogs is the best platform for new blogging to start exploring their skills blogs

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4) Theme or Design - A good professional and theme design will make your blog stand out and your readers seriously love your blog, wordpress themes can purchase frome ThemeForest but there are plenty of free wordpress themes you can download from of but do not put a lot of money and time in choosing a topic during the initial phase of a clean and pleasant topic will
5) Start Blogging – saw a lot of new blogging just bought a domain name and install wordpress too, but waiting for the best time to start blogging believe me it will never be ready and make excuses for the next week or the next few months I will to start blogging, time is precious Guys and works fairly quickly so start now, no matter what you write a message today, it is starting to blog and you will definitely gain momentum your blog starts getting traffic
6) Lots of Content – I'm sure Damm must have heard the term "is king content" and is certainly to become a success in your blogger blog should be full of content and engine search for love blogs they have a good amount of content
7) Quality Content - Be said earlier that "content is king" and "quality is king" and can not live without each other, in other words, you have to write quality content for your blog,
good combination of quantity and quality will make your blog popular at any time

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8) Solve Problems - Instead of writing articles shit just fill your focus of research in the archives of the blog problems solutions people and write about their problems and how they can be solved and men c is the biggest secret to a blog successful, if you readers will get solutions to their problems, so they really appreciate your advice and be very grateful and will become loyal readers
9) Blogging Frequency - the number of times per week that blogs? or how many blog posts in the month? forget everything and there are no precise figures it is necessary to choose the frequency of blogs where you feel comfortable and you do posts blog as saying that did not really matter if you are 7 messages in a message 1 week or week what is important here is that you must respect their schedules blog for your readers know when you will most likely find new content for playback
10)Avoid On an off Blogging  –  As I mentioned in the previous point that you need to blog regularly posts his blog and not only does the 10 after one day and never disappear are allowed to write messages for readers you will be bored and they will find other sources and blogs to obtain the necessary information and no blogging in this world that allow your readers like and stick to your blog like a magnet to his readers to become addicted to regularly visit your blog and the best way to do this is to regularly write blog entries awesome

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11) Reading - The more you read, the more you will learn tips and tricks blogs and one of the best way is to visit regularly popular blogs in your niche to read what they are talking about and that buzz going on about you
12) Think as Beginner Blogger – Even if you are installing as blogger believes that the problems faced by new blogging to write the article about the problems and thus can certainly increase the number of readers
13) Improve writing skills – No need to become a specialist writer to start writing on your blog, in fact, you have to write in their own style, but it's not bad if you can improvise their skills writing so people love your blog and you can read the famous blog as CopyBlogger for some tips for writing content
14) Ask Readers - It's not like you can find the subject and the problems yourself, but you can always ask your readers and you will not believe the amount of questions that will put in front of you and that way
you can develop a community around your blog
15) Social Media - to use the main social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus to spread the word about your latest blog posts sharing in this way you will attract more traffic to their blogs

16) Follow Experts - Let me tell you that no body was born to be an expert, but became experts in their field progressively to constantly learn new things and do all sorts of experiments So just look more closely at some of the top blogging your niche and make a note of how it started, what mistakes they made in the past so you do not go through all of them and save a lot of time and energy

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17) Blogger’s Block – What is it? Blogger block is a situation that has no issues or ideas to write then in that case there is no need to panic just visit other blogs and communities and establish a google news alert to know about hot topic going around
18) Learn Basic SEO - SEO is the heart and soul for better positioning in search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing without learning SEO can not get a good ranking in search results
Should read - SEO Tips for Beginners
19) Install SEO plugins - In WordPress, you have a lot of plugins to save a lot of headaches and you can customize your blog the way you want

20) Avoid duplicate content - previously it stated that content is the king does not mean that you should copy other blogging articles and paste into your blog is only increasing the risk of being expelled from Google and other search engines

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21) Original Blog Posts - You need to write entries original blog not discarded content from other blogs and websites and Google today have become very smart and can easily find the content that is original and that are twice and I know that every blogger should have made that mistake in the early days of your blog, but only until they came to know that to make a successful blog, you can not steal other people content22) Topic Research – Before writing a blog post properly conduct research on the subject, because there is no sense to write 50 words messages blogs that point is cleared and if you do your homework well, then surely write more in-depth articles and Google love in feature articles, as the guides and tutorials

23) No Money - I know you all have to be rewarded for the time they spend on something else on blogs that you can not expect to make millions of dollars overnight, and you could read more success stories during night online, but they all started between 0 and hit theaters gear, therefore, during the first 6 months just focus on writing more about your blog and later certainly can monetize your blog for earn money

24) Be Dedicated –  If you want a successful blog, then you must show 100% dedication to blogging without it, the development of your blog to the level you've always dreamed off would find difficult

25 ) Have Patience –  this is a habit you need to develop especially for new blogging who really impatient when they see things are not working the way they wanted it takes time to increase the ranking, readers increase and above all make money blogs

26) Never Give Up – Last but not least never to give up and quit blogging, I know it's hard to resist and keep on blogs if you do not get the desired result, but believe me once you have passed the first six months after not even think about quitting blogs, because you're going to fall in love for it and you will not be able to refrain from blogs

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So friends are my 26 best blogs of tips for new blogging, and I am sure that if all blogs counseling for older beginners are followed, then it certainly is very likely to become a blogger, however if you have any question, then, certainly, can ask me via comments, subscribe for more tips and tricks blogs and last but not least keep blogs !!
