Tuesday, 28 June 2016

How To Made Sticky Post or Featured On Blogger


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How To Made Sticky Post Or Featured On Blogger

If you want to know how, after blogger presented or how to create after sticking on blogspot then you have landed in the best position because in this post I will show the best tricks to make your sticky after blogger or functions. prominent position is the one that remains in Blogger homepage forever until you remove it. First I will say that since sticky post offered are one and the same thing so do not be confused. A structure of the traditional blog as the most recent post appears first on the home page, followed by the oldest message that has previously posted on his blog and continues to continue to add the latest post on the Home page as it moves down the old messages (reverse chronological order).

However, there are situations where you do not want this to happen, or few posts on your blog that are most important or sponsored messages you want to stay on the main page and does not slip and the home falls, which they have used or sticky post into action and is one of the best way to show your most important content for your visitors. Wordpress is very easy then create sticky or presented blogger, but there is no direct method or device to do this. However, we have a bright to make a sticky post in Blogger trick. Many novice users blogger not know how to do this So in this post I will show you step by step tutorial to create after the selected blogspot

How To Made Sticky Post Or Featured On Blogger

 Make Featured or sticky post in blogger  – Method 1

1) Create a new post in blogger which you want to make sticky and publish it

2) Now go back to your blogger dashboard and select published post and click on the edit link of that post which you want to make sticky

3) Now in the post editor click on “published on” and select “Set date and time”

4) Now choose any future date till the time you want your blog post to stay as featured post. After this date your blog post will not remain as featured post in blogger homepage.

5) And finally click on Done! That’s it 

Create Sticky or Featured post in Blogspot  – Method 2

1) Select the blog post which you want to make a featured post then in the post editor click on the “HTML”

2) Now press CTRL + A to select all the html code and press CTRL + C to copy it and close the post editor

3) Now in your blogger dashobard click on Layout and in the layout section click on “Add a gadget”

4) A pop up will open then select “HTML/ Javascript”

5) In the title section enter the title for your sticky post and it can be any like featured post or sponsored post

6) In the content section paste ( CTRL + V ) the code you copied in step no 2 and click on Save button at the bottom

7) Now you will be back to your blogger dashboard. So the last part is to drag the new added ” HTML/ Javascript” to your desired place in the layout where you want your featured post to appear. So if you want to make your sticky post on blogger homepage above other posts then drag it above ” Blog Posts” gadget and leave.

8)   Finally click on Save arrangement button on the top of your blogger dashobard to save the settings.

Note - You can post offered or post sticky one page blogger home show and if it appears in the pages of individual messages, or to hide after pasting from other sites and then read the post below to close after starring or post sticky in pages or blog entries specific to your blogger

Publishing Prominent Blogger Sidebar In Gadget

Blogger recently introduced appliance functionality after Blogspot Therefore, we can add and make messages as easily presented message easily. There may be times when you want your most important to stay long on the main page so messages more traffic exposure and feedback, which is very good.

It is also very useful if you write review of positions and have affiliate links on them to make certain messages or sticky prominent blog is very profitable. Because, as I said earlier about you will get more traffic and SEO more eyes will see the blog entries in particular so you can make more money by blogging and promoting their products and services and believe me, you can skyrocket your income soon. So without wasting much time we will see how to create or after pasting placed on Blogger selected using the tool Blogger. 

Steps To Create The Selected Post Blogspot 

1)  Login to your Blogger blog dashboard

2) Then click on Add a gadget and you will get a pop up then select the featured post gadget

3) Then you will get the settings popup where you can select the featured post as shown below

Here you can enter the Gadget title which you want you can put featured post or simply leave it blank

4) You can then select the check box to show or hide the post title or post pictures, you can select the position of all labels or individual label or you can type keywords to search for a specific item and then finally click below the Save button to save the settings

On the right side you can see the preview of the message and presents will look

So this was how friends after selecting or sticky in blogger or blogspot and if you like this trick blogspot so do share with other blogspot users and do not forget to share and subscribe for more tips and tricks blogger! Keep blogs.

