Wednesday 15 June 2016

9 Guests Blogs Guidelines and Rules For Bloggers Lines to Follow


Guidelines and standards of visitors from blogs are one of the most important things to follow and obey in order to keep your blog free from punishment because blogs Google host has been used by many manufacturers and links to spammers manipulate the rankings of the search engines and Google really hate While Matt Cutts of Google webcam team says that if you are invited blogs to link building or manipulate their ranking of whether the establishment of spam links through blogs guests then your ranking in the search engines will hearted .
And it really a wave of concern spread among many bloggers and internet marketers if they accept guest posts on your blog or not, in fact, at that time a large number of arrested bloggers accept guest posts on their blogs, but more Cutts later Matts gave no clarification on that if you accept the messages or customers who are of high quality and relevant, and at the same time for readers and Internet users do not have to worry about the acceptance of the customer display or make guest blogs to the extent that not only made to create links
Read – How To Make Money Blogging for Guest Bloggers
So if you are concerned and still have doubt whether to accept messages from clients or not, I have to say that customer can accept, but blogs follow all guidelines listed below customers and standards will protect your blog from Google penalty

The guidelines and standards for guest bloggers blogs Lines


Here are the most important guidelines, client accounting, you must strictly follow to keep your blog free from the penalty Google and at the same time add value to your blog readers and make you useful and relevant to your visitors blog and engines search

1) Quality Items:

This is one of the main aspects that should ensure that it meets before posting messages customers on your blog because Google likes the new quality content, so if the messages customers are not up and the highest quality, then simply reject messages to customers because they do not want to ruin all the hard work just 1000 items of words, but if you items is good, then you can accept messages anonymous post on your blog.

2) Detailed and Highly Sought Items:

In addition to quality items, you must also ensure that the items are detailed articles and sought that will certainly help your blog readers to learn new things and certainly added value to your blog and what is the bonus if the content is more then surely get more shares and likes quality that quality is one of the signs of ranking of Google that eventually lead to a wider range of entries in your blog on Google and other search engines research, which will dramatically increase your traffic blog
So the benefits are much more than you think if the items are highly sought after and highest quality and should pay special attention to these clients before releasing the messages on your blog.
Read –

3) Outputs Links:

Make sure the posts of blogger invited one or two links to other high quality articles on the web like Wikipedia and other essential items which adds more value to blog content as well as to help Google determine what the article it comes and is increasing the relevance and this will really help the client to rank high in Google
Apart from this, you can allow guest bloggers to send a link to your website or blog only through the section of the biography of the author of what items and can also allow the guest blogger to post links to their sites social media like Twitter, Facebook and Google plus.

4) Avoid Self Promotion:

If the guest bloggers use anonymous messages only promote their products and services, you can simply refuse because your blog is not for others to market their products and services, in fact, is to add value to your therefore, readers make them understand Don 'affiliate links or link products and services t publication in the content, as this will result in rejection of the article.
Self-promotion for guest bloggers should only be reserved for the section of the biography of the author only this is one of the main guest blogging guidelines and rules you must follow why? because if you accept these guest posts on your blog that do not add value to your visitors instead then market the products and services of the blogger invited readers might very well that this message is paid or position that is sponsored not it's really good so you have to be sure to strictly follow the guidelines and rules so that readers are happy and at the same time learn new things.

5) Length of Articles:

You should be aware that the length of the means of object that is well positioned in Google's search engine search is about 2000 words articles So if some invited to send to a client screens with only 500 words, then it will not add much value will not rank higher in search results. In addition, many guest bloggers and manufacturers linking the use of this technique to build links to any of your web sites or on their websites of customers to ensure that defines the word limit minimum of 800 words and a maximum of 2000 words what are the guidelines and rules that you have to ask all the guests signs to follow if not, then simply reject your application are, because they do not want your blog to be a place of low quality content and only 400-500 items words .
Read – How Can Students Make Money Online Free and Fast

6) Format Visitors of Publication:

One of the best guidelines and standards to define here is to ask the guest blogger to send emails through article MS Word format all attachments necessary, the image author as that will ensure that your blog is safe and nobody else you have access rights to your blog
In addition, you can format the desired message including position, course, on, alignment, etc. But if you need to give any copyright to customer accounts posters and be sure to define the rights for them so they can not save messages as drafts and not give them full access because you never know what they publish and this will also ensure you are able to check the situation in terms of quality standards and other parameters before the message goes live your blog.

7) The Relevance of The Articles:

Article relevance is one of the most important rules you have to pay attention because this is Cutts featured in numerous matt So make sure that the items you agree to your blog is very relevant to your niche, for example, if you are in the niche of internet marketing, then guests can accept positions as SEO, Blogging Tips, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, etc., but no client messages as how to build muscle or other irrelevant customers which can significantly damage its reputation among readers of his blog on the blog and this will make your positioning in search engines and
So make sure that bloggers invited to submit relevant articles that will benefit your blog and your readers

8) Photos and Videos:

You must be knowing that the importance is to have images or videos in your articles that makes it more attractive and rich media content that will surely increase your Google ranking Therefore, if the guest bloggers have included images and videos on the client then clearly directed to publish original images and videos or giving appropriate credit to the source, so they do not enjoy copyright in the future

9) Comfort Blogs Guidelines and Standards Page Lines:

Last but not least, you must set up a separate blog page that mentions all guidelines cities blogs guests up and rules that every guest bloggers to your blog must strictly follow to get your stations accepted work and posted on his blog and this will also help you save time and make clear that all things invited bloggers should follow before submitting guest posts on your blog
Say as clearly as you own the full copyright of the articles published on his blog and keep the right to remove or edit content without permission of the author invited.

You Have the Floor:

So friends are 9 guidelines blogs and rules guests should always check and make sure that it meets all the requirements for you so that you will not be penalized by Google to guest posting and same spam building relationships of time peer bloggers and help your readers to learn new things from different perspectives!
And if you like this post please share and do not forget to sign up for tips more impressive blogs and tricks directly in your inbox also please share your thoughts and also mention another issue guidelines important clients who have missed up and I love to include them in this post! Good blogs.
