Saturday 25 May 2013

How To Increase My Google AdSense Earnings – Tips And Tactics


Google AdSense Earnings programs is the best way to earn revenue online and most of us know about AdSense process and policies. So what do you expect when you have a fully approved Google AdSense account, I think you would expect to earn more than a gradually way.

Google AdSense Account Facts and Tricks:

When you have Google AdSense account first time, there will be issue concern to verification PIN
Sometime get rejection or disapproval without any reason
People will think that they would have a luxurious life without worrying
Bloggers publish content for SEO not for users
Thin or bad content will be punished with disable of AdSense account
When do you apply again for Google AdSense, will be shown a message containing “Unfortunately”

So these are terms and issue that people often face it while blogging

How To Increase AdSense income When you have No Idea:

Measuring your popularity on internet is most important and will tell, how much you need to do more. More articles or content will not been happy to bloggers, So why you are here, my question is?
Dear bloggers, For earn more with Google AdSense, you need more qualify websites than before. So now what to do, here is answer of your question,

Five Points that will make you happy with Google AdSense:

Measure Traffic:
Make clear stats for your websites, For e.g. Unique visits per day, page views and bounce rate with the help of Google Analytics. Make a excel file and save your data and analyze according to your requirement.
For Example: Bounce Rate : 80% (80 person per 100 are going away from websites) so make it less and stay people on your websites.

CPC (Cost Per Click):
CPC is the term that used in online marketing with ROI (Return on investment). So More CPC you will have then more you will earn. CPC depends on niches of websites. Websites showing in top niches like health, beauty products and reviews show high CPC than other market on internet. So choose high quality niches with low competition.

Ad Placement:
For Higher revenue, AdSense placement play a major role when you are about to more. So Make a layout of AdSense placement on your website and measure the impression and click through your AdSense account. And finally analyze which is the best block to place Google AdSense accounts

Ad Layout and Design:
Relevant advertisement are always attract to visitors and make interested to get it for user. Google AdSense setup ads format provides wide variety to customize your AdSense account. Make Layout of AdSense such that it may get attraction of your visitors.

Mobile Advertisement:
Responsive and Structured websites earn more revenue than a normal website. So Get your website with responsive structure and also make it possible for all available devices except computers. There are a lot devices which are getting more popular than any computer machine. Make implementation of responsive nature on your websites and showing Google AdSense through mobile website.

So these holly tips are only for implementation and don’t forget to share with your bloggers friends.
For More help, Comment section is available

