Friday, 24 June 2016

10 Best XML Editor Software


10 Best XML Editor Software
XML/Extensible Markup Language is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. It is defined by the W3C's XML 1.0 Specification and by several other related specifications, all of which are free open standards. XML editors are different from the word processing tools as these are added with the functionalities of editing XML files. XML editing is basically done by way of using any plain text editor with all the code visible, however, with the extra functionalities of performing tag completion and the integration of menus and buttons for tasks that are standard requirement of XML editing. These are based on data supplied with DTD or XML tree. This system of later on XML editors is suitable for those users who are not fluent in XML code and require to provide the information in XML-based documents including expenditure reports and time sheets. Here in this article we have gathered the list of advanced XML editor that have the solution in the shape of XML Editor, XML Author, XML Web Author, XML Developer. Read on:

10 Best XML Editor Software

1. EditiX
EditiX is a quality generated XML editor and XSLT editor for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux operating systems. The functions of EditiX are not limited to editing of XML and XSLT only. It can even perform the Visual Schema editing, XQuery Editor, working and XSLT debugger fort all three major operating systems.

2. Oxygen
Oxygen XML Editor it a multi-platform tool for XML editing. Being one of the leading and advanced level of XML editor, and the complete solution for XML authoring. Oxygen delivers the most state of the art helpful tool for XML editing and other advanced level of editing tools.

3. XMLSpy
XMLSpy is a universal level of XML editor that support for the XML editing, viewing and debugging. Based on the state of the art XML based technologies, XMLSpy XML editor delivers the unsurpassed compliance with the innovative industry standards from XQuery to XSLT and WSDL to Open XML and XBRL.

4. XMLmind
XMLmind XML Editor is best known for delivering the highly extensible XML editor that is used to create documents conforming to create the custom schema. It is a strictly validating, DocBook editor, DITA editor, XHTML editor, WYSIWYG, XML editor and much more are the leading functionalities of the XMLmind.

5. Essential XML Editor
Essential XML Editor is a lightweight tool for the text-based XML document editing. There is integration of the XML wellformedness tester, DTD validator and Saxon SXLT processor and much more are also integrated in the Essential XML Editor. That are the special features of the Essential XML Editor that may be used for free of charge.

6. Xmplify XML Editor
Xmplify XML Editor is a the name of a professional level of XML editor designed for the Mac OS X operating systems with XML schema based auto completion, DTD, and automatic document validation. Xmplify XML Editor delivers the one of the best editing environments to its users making them able to enjoy the support of XSLT, XPath and HTML preview and much more.

7. XRay
XRay XML Editor is an advanced and real time XML editor for validating the XML files. Just after starting the XRay XML Editor, it will start listing the errors to make you able to check by yourself either the documents you are editing or using are correct or not. The best part of this XML editor is that you don’t need to parse your file.

8. iXedit
iXedit XML Editor is an all-in-one XML editor, authoring and coding tool for enjoying the simple working of the tedious process. It will make you able to speed up your XML coding for syntax highlighting, auto completion and templates for XML and scripting languages.

9. FontoXML
FontoXML is a web based XML editor for the subject matter experts and occasional content contributors who are looking for an autoring solutions to create structured and highly intelligent content. FontoXML has sub divided its way of functioning into three main areas that are authoring solutions, web-based XML editor and FontoXML add-ons.

10. MoreMotion
MoreMotion XML Editor is a free and handy XML editor to develop XSL, XML and Ajax powered web applications. MoreMotion XML Editor is the part of MoreMotion Application Studio that itself is a rapid web application development program based on the MoreMotion AG.

So which one you gonna use don't forget to mention :)
