Wednesday 18 November 2015

How to speed up the performance of CakePHP?


How to speed up the performance of CakePHP?

In the field of web development, especially the developers who are all working with the CakePHP framework are facing some serious problems. Even though, this framework of PHP is the best in terms of supporting and security. There are issues to be taken care to speed up the CakePHP framework. Here are some tips to enhance the speed of CakePHP performance.

Update your CakePHP to the latest version

To derive the optimum results from the CakePHP framework, then you have to update it with the latest version released from the originators. Advanced technologies always give you an enriched result. It’s also applied to CakePHP framework as well.

Once you update the version from 1.2 to 1.3, you can experience the increase in loading speed at around 70%. It is also preferable to upgrade the CakePHP to version 2.3X. It is even better for getting enhanced and enriched CakePHP based website performance. Deliver the best outcome with the advanced version available in CakePHP with enhanced speed and reduced loading time.

Set default to the Debug option in CakePHP

If the debug option is disabled, it greatly escapes the site from the loading time. Being a CakePHP developer, ensure that you have turned off the debug. By disabling, it helps to eliminate the error message whenever new request come to the project. It greatly helps to load the website quickly.

Instead of Apache install Nginx

Apache is a process-based server, whereas, the Nginx is the most useful server for your CakePHP projects. It exclusively handles the new request without requiring more memory space. 

It protects and optimize the CakePHP from heavy web traffic. Consider Nginx for your CakePHP project as it is extremely good, fast, consume little memory (say 20-30m) and many more. Nginx server is inbuilt with more options that help to handle the speed issues without disturbing the activities.

Memory based caching

Memory based caching is the best way to increase and enhance the speed of any CakePHP site. Whenever the query is executed, the PHP will get the related files by opening and decoding it to furnish the accurate result. This, of course, consumes more memory space which automatically reduces the site speed. If we access the information through the memory than using disk I/O function, it enhances the site speed instead of consuming more resources that diminish the site speed.

Disable the recursing find statements

The production time crash may occur when the find statements are performed without disabling the recursing status or set to 0. The major aspect in CakePHP which reduces the speed is processing time.

Most of the developers would have totally forgotten about this simple thing which consumes more processing time whenever the find queries are executed. It takes more time for searching, performing and creating an associated array for executing the find statement every time.

Speeding your CakePHP (reverse) routing

CakePHP may be a speedy framework, but even then there are some situations which might slow down the speed of the site. It also includes when the site requires numerous dynamic links for responding request.

Instead of providing generated URL’s, the router will automatically create them over and over again. This greatly reduces the request time tremendously. This is why the CakePHP developers have to take care of speeding up the reverse routing system.

Final word

Make sure that you have done aforesaid all enhancements with the CakePHP to improve its speed and performance.
