Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Save your CakePHP Development from Trivial Errors


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Everything regarding the creation of a website or an application with CakePHP is super simple to an expert who knows even the minutiae of coding and development. Indeed, CakePHP is fantastic framework which allows developers a lot more possibilities. A beginner will have to spend some years of dedicated probe and toil for mastering CakePHP, and apply it with practical applications having no flaws. It requires a consistent amount of practice for a novice CakePHP developer to melt down the troubles occur with coding. Check out some tips to avoid such kinds of flimsy mistakes, right here.

Cake PHP has certain coding practices, follow it carefully to keep up the neatness of codes. Control structures are cases in point. A space should be followed between every parenthesis mentioned in the codes. Curly brackets are always advisable, and the most important thing is that starting brackets should be in the first line, especially when you begin with “if”. 

While dealing with CakePHP development, you should be sure that you have not added any unwanted traits into the website, typical things like navigation points, over use of graphics, or the unconventional layout position mentioning may bring troubles to you in the long run.  

The recursive level in CakePHP is by default set as one. It will be ideal only if a CakePHP developer plans to add Containable behavior. All expert CakePHP developers do perfect optimization of SQL queries to get the Containable behavior work to the default recursive level of CakePHP. For freshers it is advisable to set a the default recursive level higher to one.

URL structure of your website should be correctly optimized to produce the results that the SEO want. If the developer fails to include the much needed keywords in the URL structure things may get worse with CakePHP coding.

Like all other good PHP frameworks, CakePHP supports clean coding. If you have loaded your codes with too much of ‘if’  as well as ‘else’ classes within very function which is in need of ‘returns’ will make the program work so slowly. Write neat codes as per the tradition, then only you can produce fast results.

Quality assurance and testing should be done at the highest level with CakePHP. Here the arguments may sound up high that every application designed using any framework should be checked for errors, but with CakePHP each and everything dealing with security, and quality should be checked thoroughly.

The golden rule of coding with CakePHP is that do not repeat the same codes. If you have a logic to explain, publish it with the model files itself. Always develop the view code like the elements to keep up to this golden rule, instead of repeating the codes twice, and making the code sheet looks bulky.

Logically structure all the contents you want to be displayed in the websites while developing it. Flow as well as logic is very much needed for structuring contents for websites developed using CakePHP.

Always comment on all the included codes, especially with CakePHP Doc Blocks. While commenting on the codes, developers should also ensure one point which they adjusts all comments on to the left side. 


Neat codes that help applications work like a breeze is what users expect from the developers. CakePHP is really a fantastic framework which leads all programmers to accomplish it, only if did it in the right way. Follow the conventional coding pattern to work wonders with CakePHP development.
