Friday 10 June 2016

Agriya Updates Its Getlancer - Freelance Platform Scripts


freelance platform script update

Agriya's excellent Getlancer scripts, Freelance bidding, Quote, Jobs and Portfolio, all got  updated to provider further enhanced services. These updates include a fine mix of error fixes and new features and are based upon valuable feedbacks from our clients.

Listed below are few major highlights:

• Fixes with regard to transition between the translation manage pages at the admin's end

• More characters allowed for the "Project Description"

• Optimization of data queries in the "User Dashboard" page and all the sub-tabs

• Displaying of maps in the refined map search for the  freelancer, project and jobs listing pages.

• Corrections with regard to the Portfolio List API calls.

• Caching error fixed that prevented send and withdraw request.

• Addition of auto-complete loader for address fields in  Post a Job, Post a Project, Request a Quote, Registration and Profile edit pages.

• Error fixes with regard to Disputed project not moving automatically to the "Waiting For Administrator Decision"; "Post a Project" page not opening through pjax click; Portfolio listing JSON error when Portfolio Favorite plugin is disabled; Job listing API error when Job Favourite plugin is disabled; Search Page not opening (If Project plugin is not available), while clicking the header search icon from dashboard page and many more.

• Proper displaying of "Total Payment", when choosing "Featured"/"Mark as Urgent" in Post a Projects and Post a Jobs pages.

Take a look at the demo of their product here,
freelance platform demo

                                     Demo of Getlancer - Freelance Platform Script from Agriya

Apart from these, many functions have been enhanced with further updates. Go ahead and make use of the excellent upgraded versions of the Getlancer scripts and create flawless freelancer websites.
