Saturday, 3 October 2015

Repeat Headers on Each Page in SSRS 2014


In this article we will show you, How to Repeat Headers on Each Page in SQL Server Reporting Services 2014.

How to Repeat Headers on Each Page in SSRS 2014?

We are going to use below shown report to explain, Repeat Headers on Each Page in SSRS Reports. Please refer SSRS Table ReportData Source and Dataset articles to understand the creation of Data Source, Dataset and Table report. If you observe the below screenshot, It was a normal Table report with Product Name, Color, Sales Amount and Tax Amount columns.
Repeat Headers on Each Page in SSRS 2014
If we navigate to second page or any other page  we are unable to see the row headers. This become very problematic for the end-user to identify which column data belongs to Sales and Tax as shown in below screenshot.
Repeat Headers on Each Page in SSRS 2014
To display the row headers on each and every page, We have to select the Header from theRow Group pane. By default, only detail rows will be shown in row group pane. In order to display the Header group, Click on the down arrow and select the Advanced Mode from theColumn Group pane as shown in below screenshot
Repeat Headers on Each Page in SSRS 2014
Once you Click on the Advanced Mode, it will show the static columns (Header columns) in both row and column group. Please select the static column presented in row group pane (Header Row Group) and go to the properties of this static column
Repeat Headers on Each Page in SSRS 2014
Please select the RepeatOnNewPage option and then, Change the RepeatOnNewPage option from default False to TRUE. It will allow the Header text to repeat on every single page in SSRS Report
Repeat Headers on Each Page in SSRS 2014
Click on the Preview button to see the report preview.
Repeat Headers on Each Page in SSRS 2014
If you observe the above screenshot, We are showing 11th page and the report is displaying Header text.
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Currently I am working in one SSRS Tablix Report. In that report, I stuck up with the issue that is Table Header is not repeating on every page. I set theRepeatColumnHeaders property to True but it doesn’t make any effect on my report.
Solution :
In this scenario, we have to set the some properties of static member of the row groups.
To see the static members of the row groups of the tablix, select tablix and click on the small drop down arrow on the right side of the Row Groups/Columns Groups header. Then select Advanced Mode.
Please see below screenshot.
1-Repeat Table Header on Each Page in SSRS
Now you can see the static members of row groups. Now select 1st static member. After selecting 1st member, top left cell of the tablix will be selected in the report designer.
2-Repeat Table Header on Each Page in SSRS
Now press F4 or manually open property page. In that, set propertyRepeatOnNewPage to True. Also set KeepWithGroup property to After.
3-Repeat Table Header on Each Page in SSRS
Now run your report. You will see that your table header will repeat on every page of report.
If still issue is not solved then set FixedData property to True in property page of first static member in row group. It will reproduce table header on every page of report.
4-Repeat Table Header on Each Page in SSRS
Sometimes you don’t need to set all three properties, but it doesn’t do any harm so let’s set all three properties.
If you find any similar issue after setting this properties, let me know.
For contact information, go to following link :

1.     Background

The purpose of this article is to provide a way to display column headers on each and every page of the report. By using the page break feature of SSRS, we can show the report in no. of pages in place of having same report in single page. Page break is very useful with bulky report where large no. of records need to be shown. Page beak helps us to set pagination but it does not ensure that column headers for the report should come on each page of the report. A report without column headers in all the pages may create lot of confusion to the users.

2.     How to display column headers on each page of the report?   

We can achieve it by using the “KeepwithGroup” & “RepeatOnNewPage” properties of the grouping pane.

 Below is a simple report having 10 records:

After implementing the page break for 5 records per page, Report will look like the below one:

Page No-1

 Page No-2

3.     Steps to display column header on each page of the report

                    I.            Go to the Grouping paneè there we can see a down arrow, click on the arrow to go to Advance mode

                  II.            Once you click on the “Advance Mode”, we can see the static members for rows & columns within grouping pane.

                III.            Select static member of Row Groups and go to the property window. We need to change the below properties:

·         KeepwithGroupè After

·         RepeatOnNewPageèTrue

KeepwithGroupèAfter for Group Header

KeepwithGroupèBefore for Group Footer

                IV.            Now preview the report



4.     Conclusion

By using advance mode properties of Grouping pane e.g . “KeepwithGroup” and “RepeatOnNewPage”, we can display column headers on each page of the report.

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