In this article we will show you, How to change the Font Style, Font Color, Font Size, Font Family, Font Weight and Background Color of a Textbox in SQL Server Reporting Services2014 with example.
To explain the available Format options, We are going to use below shown report. Please refer SSRS Table Report article to understand the Data Source and Dataset we used for this report. If you observe the below screenshot, It was a normal report with Product Name, Color, Sales Amount and Tax Amount columns.
If you observe the above screenshot, it is displaying the correct data but not attractive to impress the end-user.
Formatting Textbox Fonts and Background Color in SSRS 2014
Select the Header Row and go to the Properties as shown in below screenshot
Background Color
To change the Background color, Goto BackgroundColor Property and select the required color. Here we are selecting CornflowerBlue
Font Color
To change the Font color, Goto Font Color Property and select the required color. Here we are leaving the Default Black color
Font Size
To change the Font Size, Goto FontSize Property and change the font size as per your requirement. Here we are changing it to 12pt
Font Style
To change the Font Style, Goto FontStyle Property and change the font style as per your requirement (Normal, Italic). Here we are are leaving the Default
Font Family
To change the Font Family, Goto FontFamily Property and change the font as per your requirement. Here we are changing the Font of a Header Text and Details Row to Lucida Sans.
Let us preview the report
If you observe the above screenshot, It looks neat and good
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