Shareaholic is one of the most used all in one content sharing platform (like Addthis, Sharethis). The difference with other sharing platform of Shareaholic is;
Shareaholic has much cooler icons (Eye catchy, trendy and stylish)
Very customizable (Position, Icon size, Layout, Align, Headline)
Analytic, Fast loading, Responsive, and optional monetization option
Adding Shareaholic Sharing widgets in Blogger blog is easy, for your consideration setup process of adding Shareaholic widgets into Blogger blogs written below, read on-
Add Shareaholic Share button & bar to Blogger blog/below posts
Hit (Add Website) from Website Tools Dashboard page
Insert your BlogSpot Domain name and site name
Select platform ‘Blogger’, Content category, site Language, Hit continue
Next page you’ll see ‘Apps’ option, Turn on ‘Floating Share Buttons’, Click on ‘Setting’ icon
Now in ‘Layout’ fix Size, Counter, Align, Vertical offset, and services,
Additionally click on ‘Display rules’, Hit Save Settings
Now you’ll return to the Dashboard page, Get your mouse over ‘Location’ option
Select ‘Share Buttons’, In share button page, in Location input type ‘Below post’
Select your Theme, Headline, Position, Layout, Counter, Align and services
After all configurations complete, select ‘Save settings’,
You’ll redirect to Dashboard page, now click on ‘Get setup code’ and
Log into your Blogger blog on the other tab, select your blog
Go to ‘Template’ tab, and select ‘Edit HTML’
Search for </head> (using CTRL+F or CMD+F) into code snippet
Before </head> tag, paste ‘Get setup code’s codes
Again, Get back to Shareaholic tab, from location configuration, click on ‘</> icon’
And copy all codes from pop-up page
And from Blogger’s tab (into code snippet) search for,
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
You may find this code phrase twice, ignore first phrase, after second phrase paste those codes,
You may add these codes too, with default codes cause default codes widget will appear on homepage too, re-edit the default code with this codes, like this-
If you can’t find <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> than search for </article>, and paste codes below </article>
Save Template finally, And check your blog out for live preview
Content sharing widgets are very necessary tool for a blogsite, so share your content with style with Shareaholic sharing efforts make your Blogger blog little bit stylish and trendy. Any problem facing with tutorial leave with comments, new tutorial will release soon stay subscribed. Chill…..