Saturday, 4 June 2016

8 Best Contact Form Plugins for WordPress


8 Best Contact Form Plugins for WordPress
The importance of Contact Form of a site is so to speak; It helps a site user/visitor/customer to get in touch with the admin/editors. It increases site user/visitor/customer's connectivity, satisfaction rate, conversation rate etc. There are a lots of way you can add contact form on site; but if you running WordPress site then you got a easy way to add contact form on WordPress site; using Contact form plugin; There are a lots of contact form plugin you can find on WordPress plugin repository; Here we filtered down the top 8 Contact form plugin for you; Read on:

8 Best Contact Form Plugins for WordPress

1. Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7 is the most popular & demanding plugin of the WordPress. It enables the users to manage multiple contact forms & customize the form and mail contents as well. Through this plugin you can easily create multiple contact forms & can insert them on any page or post. It supports Ajax powered submission, CAPTCHA and Akismet spam filtering. It’s also available in more than 60 languages. It's one of the greatest benefits is the number of extensions that exist to bring extra features to the base plugin.

2. Fast Secure Contact Form 
Fast Secure Contact Form is a free plugin allows you to create multiple forms and modify conformation emails. It is the most easy and powerful contact form builder for WordPress. All the main form fields are supported, including text, textarea, checkbox, radio, select, attachments, date and time.  The user friendly backend area of this plugin offers a great form creating experience. Forms can be inserted anywhere in your website using a simple short code. This plugin also includes CAPTCHA and Akismet support to block spam. This plug-in will provide you the backup and restore facility of all your forms or single form. It enables you to sending mail to one or multiple contacts. 118 international languages are also supported.

3. Contact Form by BestWebSoft
Contact Form by BestWebSoft plugin allows you to implement a feedback form to a web-page or a post in no time. It is an extremely easy form, that doesn’t require any additional settings; drag & drop interface, Fully responsive contact form looks perfect on all screen sizes and mobile devices. You can Specify your default and/or additional email addresses to receive email notifications. You can Translate your contact form to any language with a simple language customize. It Enable the file attachment option to get important files from senders via contact form. It uses captcha to prevent spam attacks (supports Captcha by BestWebSoft, reCAPTCHA). Save, browse, delete or download messages that have been sent from the site via the Contact Form.

4. Ninja Forms
Ninja Forms is a free contact form plugin with drag and drop features, you can very easily create contact forms, email address collection, contact management task and any other type of form within minutes. Ninja Forms offers hooks and filters; developers will found it very useful because they can hooks and filters it to do absolutely anything. A number of premium Ninja Forms extensions are also available features such as front-end editing & posting, file uploads, multi-part forms, PayPal integration, email marketing support, conditional logic etc. You can also contribute and help make Ninja Forms better; Ninja Forms framework is available on GitHub.

5. Contact Buddy 
Contact Buddy is the last best free contact form plugin for WordPress. It allows you to create, publish and dazzle forms within 60 seconds. Features like drag and drop interface, editing and formatting, building customs forms, reports making and displaying, etc. are very simple. Necessary fields like name, email, message and captcha validation are by default integrated in this plugin. You can send email to a single contact or multiple contacts.

6. Visual Form Builder 
Visual Form Builder is a free contact form builder that enables you a simple interface so that you can build and manage all kinds of forms for your website within minutes. By default it comes with multiple fields but it is customizable too and any time you  can add new fields or remove extra fields and can re-order also. You can create short code of your post and page. It offer anti spam solution, drag and drop re-ordering, form submission to multiple contacts and managing form entries in WordPress dashboard.

7. Easy Contact Form Solution
Easy Contact Form Solution is a friendly & simple contact form builder that supports any language. Main features of this plugin are its customization tools that enables you create form field types according to your own will. Anti-spam protection and data validation layers are its basic function also it Can attach any file format. This plugin builds automatically database for you & will provide you support desk also and host everything. After that you don’t need to worry about queries and suggestion of customers as all these will be automatically fetched up by its support desk and self service portal.

8. Jetpack’s Contact Form Module
Jetpack is the popular & feature rich WordPress plugin with more than 30 modules. With these modules, you can add different features to your WordPress website depending on your needs. One of Jetpack’s most commonly used modules is the Contact Form module, which provides a simple and elegant form creator. Jetpack will send an email notification for each contact form response and you can customize the email address to which the notifications will be sent. If you’re using the Akismet plugin, every form submission will be checked for spam as well.

So which plugin you gonna use don't forget to mention :)

