Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Classroom - Faculty Module free asp.net project with source codes


Classroom - Faculty Module  free asp.net project with source codes

This website is one of the three modules required to allows faculties and students to get and post details regarding the class. Three modules are:
  • Adminstration module - used to add batches, faculties and students.
  • Faculty module - allows faculty to post topics and exercises, see feedback and post replies.
  • Student module - allows students to get information about topics discussed and exercises given in the class. Student can also post feedback about class.

Faculty Module

Faculty module is used by faculty to perform the following operations:
  • Login of Faculty
  • Change password
  • Posting topics and exercises realated to class
  • Listing of topics batch wise
  • Deleting topic
  • Listing feedback by students
  • Allowing faculty to reply to feedback
  • List of batches
  • Logout
The following are the topics of ASP.NET used in this project.
  • Asp.Net 4.0
  • C# Language
  • SQL Server 2005/2008 Express Edition
  • Visual Studio.NET 2010
  • Layered Architecture with Presentation Layer (PL) and Data Access Layer (DAL)
  • DAL uses LINQ to talk to SQL Server
  • All database operations are done through LINQ To SQL
  • ObjectDataSource is used in presentation layer to talk to DAL.
  • GridView is used to display details
  • Master page and theme with stylesheet
  • Calendar extender from Ajax control toolkit
  • Forms authentication

Steps to download, deploy and run this project

The following are the steps to be taken to run the existing part of the application.
  1. Download classroom.rar and unzip it into any directory in your system. For example, if you extract to c:\ then it will create a directory c:\classroom.
  2. Open Visual Studio.NET 2010
  3. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project. For example, c:\classroom
  4. The project comes with its own database, which contains required tables and some sample data.
  5. Go to Solution Explorer and make login.aspx the startup page.
  6. Run project from Visual Studio.NET 2010.
  7. You should see login.aspx page.
  8. Login as a faculty. Use id :1 and password : s to login as Stephen Walther
  9. Select a batch and post topics and exercises for a day
  10. Select List Topics and select batch to get the list of topics for different days
  11. List feedbacks and post reply
