Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Class Scheduler free asp.net project with source codes


Class Scheduler  free asp.net project with source codes

This web application allows faculty members to keep track of their courses and classes. This website used the following tools and technologies.
  • Asp.Net 4.5
  • C# Language
  • SQL Server
  • Web API
  • AJAX with JQuery
  • Asp.Net AJAX Control Toolkit
  • Visual Studio.NET 2012 Express for Web
  • Layered Architecture with Presentation Layer and Data Access Layer
  • ObjectDataSource is used in presentation layer to talk to DAL.
  • GridView and DetailsView are mainly used to display and modify data
  • LINQ TO SQL is used to access database
  • Validation Controls
  • Forms Authentication
  • Mutlitple Authorizations - one for website and one for all folder
  • hMailServer to send mails during password recovery
  • Master pages and Themes
The following are the major operations in this application.
  • Registration of user
  • Forgot Password
  • Login
  • Change password
  • List current and upcoming courses
  • Add new course
  • Update course
  • Delete Course
  • Get Details of a course
  • Completion of course
  • Add a class to course
  • Update a class
  • Delete a class
  • Cancel a class
  • Get courses history
  • Logout

Steps to download, deploy and run this project

The following are the steps to be taken to run the existing part of the application. Sql Server database, which contains all required tables, is boundled along with this application.
  1. Download ClassScheduler.rar and unzip it into any directory in your system. For example, if you extract to c:\ then it will create a directory c:\ClassScheduler.
  2. Open Visual Studio.NET 2012
  3. Open the website from the directory into which you extracted the .rar file. For example, c:\ClassScheduler
  4. Database (Database.dbf) is placed in App_Data and it contains required tables. Tables contains some sample data for testing.
  5. I also proived tables.sql, which contains commands to create tables. Though not required now, it could be useful in some cases.
  6. Go to Solution Explorer and make login.aspx the startup page.
  7. Run project from Visual Studio.NET 2012
  8. You should see login.aspx page.
  9. Before you use Forgot Password option, make sure you installed a mail server in your system or network.
  10. Register a user. And test other options
t with source codes
