Groups free project with source codes
This is an intranet/internet application that allows users to share files, messages, and links.
Technologies and Products used
- .Net Framework 1.1
- Visual Studio.Net 2003
- SQL Server 2000
Operations and related files
The following table lists operations and associated objects and files.
Operation | Files |
Login | login.aspx |
Home Page | default.aspx |
Search for groups | searchgroups.aspx |
Join a group | joingroupform.aspx, joingroup.aspx |
Channge password | changepassword.aspx |
Creating new group | creategroup.aspx |
Modify groups | managegroups.aspx |
Group home | grouphome.aspx |
List of messages | messages.aspx |
Post new message | postmessage.aspx |
Displaying message details | message.aspx |
List of files | file.aspx |
Upload new file | addfile.aspx |
Creating required Tables | tables.txt |
Creating CREATEGROUP procedure | sp_creategroup.sql |
Creating DELETEGROUP procedure | sp_deletegroup.sql |
Configuration Details | web.config |
Files that are uploaded | files folder |
Web Service | all\groupsws.asmx |
Forgot password | all\forgotpassword |
Configuration file for ALL folder | all\web.config |
The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application : - Download and unzip it into C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT directory (assuming Windows is installed in C drive) li>Connect to SQL Server and create GROUPS database as follows:
CREATE DATABASE GROUPS - Make GROUPS the current database by giving the following command
USE GROUPS - Create required tables using TABLES.TXT file and also insert some data into USERS table.
- Start IIS and create a virtual directory with the name GROUPS and make it refer to physical directory C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\GROUPS
- Open Visual Studio.Net 2003 and open the project from C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\GROUPS.
- Build the project.
- Invoke IE and give the following URL:
It should display Login Page. Login in with user name and password that inserted into USERS table.