Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Benefit of using Spring Framework


  • Provide a good programming practice by decoupling the layers.
  • If you are using spring in your project it decouples the layers and hence it's easy to write the test case for them. So it's easy from maintenance point of view.
  • Provide convenient API to translate technologies specific(jdbc,hibernate,jdo etc) exception into consistent unchecked exception.
  • It provide consistent transaction management interface that can be scale down to local and scale up to global transaction.
  • Provide a lightweight IOC container specially if you compare it with EJB containers. So if you are using spring you do not have to worry about server maintenance even you can develop an enterprise application using tomcat only.
  • Like EJB provide you the JMS server facility to do the asynchronous transmission Spring is going to provide you Event dispatch functionality that you can use in the replace JMS.
  • If you are using spring in your project it's easy to integrate with different frameworks like struts, hibernate, toplink etc.
  • A well designed spring web MVC framework will provide you a new and better way to write a controller.
  • IOC(Inversion of control) will give the facility to decouple the modules and AOP(Aspect oriented programming) that will give you the functionality to add the business layer services and easy to mentaine.

