Thursday, 27 June 2013

Transport Cycle of SAP with Case Study from Development To Quality & from Quality To Production


Case Study
ABC ltd, car manufacturing company recently formed a group of 5 people in finance department, and decided to give them special authority of Accounts Receivable T- Codes.

Management have asked to SAP team to assign this role to these 5 people in SAP FICO
T- Code used for assigning roles is ‘PFCG’
Click on Single Role, and create that role. i am skipping role creation from snap shots

 after role creation in PFCG; select that role
following window will come with selected role; now click on export (truck )

Tick in check box and then click on execute

warning, press enter

tick in both check boxes and press enter

 warning, press enter

In next window create transport request 

enter details

after saving above window following window will come with Transport Number; press enter

data entered in request now close this transaction & open SE01 to release request 

T- Code used to release the Transport request is ‘SE01’enter our generated transport number & click on display 

details of your transport

T-Code used to import the transport request is ‘STMS_IMPORT’

System is asking want to schedule import or import immediately.... i will import immediately

 click on log

Transport imported successfully to QA, now QA people will test newly created role.and after testing role will be imported to production system. process to import on production will be same as we have imported to QA

error code 0 & 4 are OK....if code is different than 0 or 4 means import is failed
