Friday, 22 July 2016

Top 10 Best Traffic Exchange Service/platform


Top 10 Best Traffic Exchange Service/platform
Traffic exchange is a type of website which provides a service for webmasters in exchange for traffic. It is similar to the autosurf concept with the exception that traffic exchanges usually use a manual rotation. Traffic exchange website receives website submissions from webmasters that join traffic exchange networks. The person who submitted the website then has to browse other member sites on the exchange program to earn credits, which enable their sites to be viewed by other members through the surf system. This increases the number of visitors to all the sites involved. You may use these service for your personal blogs, business websites, online stores and videos sites, for increasing website traffic and increase Alexa ranks. Here below 10 Best Traffic Exchange Service/platform listed, Read on:

Top 10 Best Traffic Exchange Service/platform

1. 10khits
10khits is Free and Premium website traffic to your personal blogs, business websites, online stores and videos. 10KHits is the leading traffic exchange since 2011. The company gets websites managed at a professional level by experts that know the tactics of e-marketing. 10KHits is the simple and effortless source for getting the free visitors for all type of websites either it is a video website, website of any specific product, portfolio website, e-commerce website or any other internet site. 10KHits is also the leading traffic exchange platforms where you visit the websites of the others and in return get visitor on your website. So, here is the chance of getting so much traffic as you want.You can purchase the traffic from this platform as well for fixed prices.

2. HitLeap 
HitLeap Traffic Exchange helps you to Get Free and Paid Website Traffic Free Website Traffic in minutes. HitLeap provides a traffic exchange service that helps you to increase visitors, rankings and more. HitLeap is a web based traffic exchange system for getting free traffic to your website and increasing the extent of engagement with the visitors. HitLeap is for those webmasters and SEOs who are watching for a free source for getting limitless visitors and want to boost the engagement level with these visitors.

3. Traffic Bunnies
TrafficBunnies Traffic Exchange provides you the system to allow you to instantly get your website in front of thousands of potential customers, absolutely free. These are real people, just like you. People who are marketing online and looking for new opportunities to build their businesses and increase their networks. Right from the traffic exchange platform of Trafficbunnies you will get a deserving level of traffic for your website.

4. Tezak Traffic Power 
Tezak Traffic Power is a free to use manual traffic exchange with a unique surf and click system that provides you with over 11 ways to generate free website traffic. TezakTrafficPower is a membership based platform so chances are high that you will get from here the real and genuine visitors only. The membership of this website is totally free. In just fifteen minutes you can generate up to 150 hits all completely free.

5. HitSafari
Thousands of people join manual traffic exchanges to get free traffic to their sites. With over 5 Million views to our members sites each month HitSafari is sure to increase your sites traffic. For those web masters and SEOs who are looking for a way to earn a lot of traffic of real and genuine visitors are welcome at the traffic exchange platform of the HitSafari. This platform is best known for delivering the best manual traffic exchange solution to its users.

6. EasyHits4U
EasyHits4U is a massive traffic exchanger, 1:1 exchange ratio. Get unlimited hits to your site. It's all absolutely free. This is a domain specified for the online traffic exchange system. The best about EasyHits4U is that it offers the 1:1 exchange ratio to each of its members. Means there is a chance to get one unique visitor on your website in case of one visit of any website provided by the EasyHits4U. The other exceptional about EasyHits4U is that there is no limitation over earning and getting the unique hits.

7. TrafficG 
TrafficG supports 1:1 exchange ratio, Promote Unlimited Sites, 5 level reward program, Geo Targeting 38 Languages Supported, Contests Access to the best banner exchange on the Internet Promote Unlimited Banners Free Listing in the TrafficG directory, Your own special promotions page 100%, Free to Join 100%, Free to Use 10 Free Visitor Credits, 1000 Free Banner Impressions Excellent Upgrade, Options from just $4.66 Buy Traffic from as little as $7.

8. Hit2Hit 
Hit2Hit offers Quality traffic where traffic is exchanged manually, get your sites seen. Promote your business opportunity, free advertising, Manual Traffic Exchange, web site promotion, more free web site traffic. There is an online manual traffic exchange platform named Hit2Hit that will save your time surfing and will generate the better results in less time. The website timer is fixed at six seconds that will take minimum time for paying visit.

9. Auto Web Surf 
Autowebsurf offers free website traffic using our top autosurf traffic exchange, with anonymous traffic, control over hourly visits and adjustable timer from 10 to 300 seconds for advertisers. AutoWebSurf is a unique type of traffic exchange program whose way of working is different from the most of the traffic exchange programs. The automatic traffic exchange system of AutoWebSurf will deliver the unique visitors on your website.

10. 247AutoHits
247AutoHits is a free to use auto hits traffic exchange. 247AutoHits is one of the worlds largest auto hits traffic exchange with more than 300+ concurrent surfers, hundreds logging inn everyday and thousands of members, delivering more than 700.000 page views a day on a 30 seconds timer. For those SEOs and webmasters who want to enjoy the unlimited traffic on their websites and blogs will like the unlimited free website traffic exchange system of the 247AutoHits.

So which one is your favorite don't forget to mention :)
