Wednesday, 15 June 2016

6 best Online Plagiarism detection service


6 best Online Plagiarism detection service
Plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation & stealing and publication of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions and the representation of them as one's own original work. The internet is the source of unlimited knowledge and it enriched by unlimited number of publisher; not all publisher publishes original content so; who doesn't publishes original content and coping your stuff; the online Plagiarism detection services helps a lot. Here below 6 best Online Plagiarism detection service listed; Read on:

6 best Online Plagiarism detection service

1. Copyscape 
Copyscape is an online plagiarism detection service that checks whether similar text content appears elsewhere on the web. Copyscape is used by content owners to detect cases of "content theft", in which content is copied without permission from one site to another. It is also used by content publishers to detect cases of content fraud, in which old content is repackaged and sold as new original content.

2. Plag Tracker 
Plag Tracker is One of the unique algorithm checker, Plag Tracker scans content for plagiarism in a fast, rapid, and convenient way. We ensure users that this system will locate any content that has been plagiarized, along with a list of all the sources, to make it easier for you to correct. The tool provides you with a detailed ‘Plagiarized Report’ after scan is complete and The option named ‘view all sources’ will expose the site links which copied your content or has the same text.

3. Plagiarism Checker
Plagiarism Checker is very simple It employs a simple Google query to locate the duplicate content. We normally enter a couple of lines of text covering by double quotes in Google to check for sources that copy our content. As you enter your text, the tool, in fact, adds double quotes to your text and goes for search in Google saving a lot of time. It also allows you to enter a specific URL of your web page to seek any duplicity.

4. Copy Gator
Copy Gator does not simply scan the content on the website but it goes to analyze the RSS feed of the provided URL. It checks for any possibility of plagiarism and provides the results. It can also be commanded to watch a particular RSS feed, by entering the RSS URL in the search bar. It’s absolutely free of cost but In order to get you required to adding CopyGator badge on your site or blog.

5. Plagium
Plagium is another nice and free Plagiarism detection service; It offers two queries for free in a trial version and does ask for credits soon afterwards.  It bears two options to check the content: quick search and deep search. In order to enjoy deep search which is highly effective, one has to sign up for a free account to enable this option.

6. Dupli Checker
Dupli Checker essentially points out the copied text on the scraper’s site visually in order to reveal the extent of your content’s plagiarism. You can simply copy and paste the text you want to examine or upload the file to search the duplicate content matter.

So which one you gonna  use; don't forget to mention:)

