Saturday, 30 July 2016

How Does Alexa Ranking Works and Ranking Your Sites


How Does Alexa Ranking Works and Ranking Your Sites

If you are wondering how ALEXA ranking works or How does Alexa ranking and in this post I will discuss this issue. Alexa is the site which is owned by Internet giant Amazon Therefore, it is a highly reliable web in Internet traffic forecasts and range. Many novice blogger does not know the concept of how it works and how alexa alexa ranking is calculated, but if you want to make money with your blog or website or if you want to attract more direct ads to your blog, you need to concentrate and try to improve your ranking Alexa.
As for the ranking it is judged Alexa ranks websites of some important factors that we will discuss in this post and I hope that clears all doubts from his mind. I have seen many bloggers are frustrated when they see their Alexa ranking did not improve and begin to wonder how Alexa ranking works So here I will give a brief about it.

READ - What is the Alexa Traffic Rank of Importance For the Web / Blog SEO

 How Does Alexa Ranking Works and Ranking Your Sites

1) place is a web page that calculates the traffic and ranking based on three months of data for all users who have the Alexa toolbar installed on your browser. So the alexa ranking is calculated on a daily basis and if your site gets more traffic from visitors who have the Alexa toolbar installed in your browser and then Alexa traffic will improve.

2) One of my blog reader asked me this question my site gets 5000 hits a day and the site of my competitor is getting about 4,000 hits a day, and also its Alexa ranking is much better than mine and he there much confusion about how sites classification not later alexa explain what used to take an example Suppose your blog is a blog unconditional niche publishing mainly contained only in the tips and tricks blogs and website of your competitor is subject to several blog that many different, such as blogs, categories excel tips, health tips, and site visitors not technology and most of them should not know about Alexa ranking many people reported.

READ - How to Build Backlinks With Blog Comments For Dummies

3) However, visitors to your site will be very tech-savvy to all people and most of them either blogger or webmaster and are very familiar with the ranking of Alexa Therefore, it is likely that most of they must be having toolbar Alexa installed in your browser to alexa get more traffic details on its website against your website competitor and ultimately their alexa show a high ranking for your relationship with your website competitor .

4) So basically it calculates the Alexa ranking and traffic based on the number of visitors who visit their sites that have installed the toolbar Alexa so if you want to improve your Alexa ranking then I recommend you install the bar Alexa tools in your browser will improve your ranking even if you surf your own website and that will help you increase your Alexa ranking.

5) Alexa Rank is not permanent as the positioning of your site in this month 2k and traffic then drop your ranking Alexa website also will present then I recommend you keep updating your blog or website regularly if you want to improve your Alexa ranking quickly.

6) There is no rocket science and try to understand how the ranking of Alexa Alexa and how to get data from all Web sites on the Internet, then the only way to get the data and Alexa rank is is calculated through the bar alexa tool as simple as that if in the future, if someone asks you to operation and classification of websites or blog alexa, please send them to this post

So friends was brief discussion about how no Alexa ranking works and ranking websites. If you like this post, you can share with other beginners bloggers who do not know about it and if you have a doubt or a question, then feel free to ask through the comments. Last but not least do not forget to subscribe for more tips and tricks blogs.
