Saturday 30 July 2016

Does the Alexa Page Rank Material For SEO and Affects the Google Ranking


Does the Alexa Page Rank Material For SEO and Affects the Google Ranking

If you're curious about the fact classification alexa material for SEO or range alexa fact it affects positioning in Google and in this post we will discuss this issue that many bloggers starting and webmaster stress in the ranking of Alexa and invest much of their time to improve your Alexa ranking quickly and there are many beginning bloggers who think Alexa ranking regarding SEO and positioning affects google website and blog.
So what it is reality and what is the importance of having a good Alexa ranking and how it affects your website or blog SEO Google ranking. We will discuss this because I have a lot of request messages and that means nothing ranking Alexa ranking and Google uses to rank the site in search results. From Alexa it is a site belonging to large Internet giant Amazon many beginning bloggers think that really affects SEO and site ranking in Google So what we will see in this post

It is the Alexa ranking affects the ranking of Google and material for SEO

1) Therefore, to break the myth mainly Alexa ranking is not important for SEO and has no impact on Google rankings. However, many bloggers believe that if you have a good blog ranking alexa then you will rank higher in the results of Google and be getting a lot of traffic, but it is not the law of Alexa ranking has no impact on your results SEO or Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines. So, suppose the ranking of your blog is another blog 1k 1.5k classification is then not mean that you will have more SEO benefits the other blog and can even happen that other blogs could be more welcoming for SEO his blog.
2) ranking Alexa and blog based on the number of users who visit your website or blog in your browser with the toolbar Alexa installed So if a user visits your website and Alexa toolbar then installed your Alexa Ranking will be affected by the contrary, if a user visits without toolbar Alexa then installed your alexa ranking will not be affected by what basically is totally dependent on the number of visitors visiting your blog your website bar tools installed alexa affect your blog Alexa ranking.

3) In addition to starting many bloggers they think less Alexa ranking is the more traffic is there. So this is another false assumption and I cannot say that it is false because the Alexa toolbar sends Alexa data traffic and more traffic to your blog will get the better your Alexa ranking. You cannot trust the ranking Alexa to estimate traffic for a website or blog in particular, but yes, you can get an idea about seeing the standings and make the judgment about the amount of traffic to a particular site or obtain. But wrong.

4) Blog and blogs related to the website, SEO, technology and internet marketing tends to have a better ranking on generic blogs Alexa why? because the owners of blogs and Web sites are not generic that many people Savy technology and not particularly users Savy technology visit your blog, but blogs that are blogging, SEO and internet marketing then niche users visiting these sites blogs are also bloggers and webmaster so it is more likely to be the Alexa toolbar installed on your browser to Alexa ranking is improved very quickly compared to the blog and other websites generic niche.

Therefore, to clarify many doubts and blogger confusion I wrote this post and now I'm sure it's probably Alexa ranking is important for SEO should not have gone so do not get stressed out just thinking about his range alexa instead focus on building more quality content on your blog or website that is going to affect your positioning in Google and not the Alexa ranking.

So friends what it is and if you like this post please share with other bloggers who do not know about it and make sure to subscribe for more tips and tricks blogs. What are views on it and do what you think will import the Alexa ranking for SEO or ranking alexa affect Google ranking. Share your thoughts via comments and I would like to speak more about this topic!
