Tuesday 21 June 2016

Why Move From Blogger To WordPress Auto Hosted Blog


Today I am very pleased to announce to all my loyal readers who moved my blog from auto Free hosted blogger blog platform WordPress that could have started my right blog result in self hosted wordpress itself at first but do you know why I stayed so long in wordpress? Any idea could say it's free, yes, it is free and one of the best blogging platform I've used, but what emigrated from wordpress blogger. So let me tell you the real reason behind it and why I stay so long in the blogger.

In fact, you should be sure to know something that is complete must be entered without using blogger that my blog was never here where it is now and I think I have to build my blog directly from scratch, knowing nothing about SEO, but many now, I learned means a lot in terms of SEO and off page SEO page.

Also my Alexa ranking has improved so much that I cannot express in 2 months and I am very happy to have used blogger for so long. And now is not that blogger hate I really like and there are many bloggers who still criticize the blogger platform they are not optimized for SEO so to some extent it is true but with little work, you can optimize your blog I have done and my blog are ranked ahead of many bloggers who use wordpress SEO plugins and several really like blogger and I will follow the blogs I use to build for the test and if successful, will move to the self hosted wordpress blog.

Why Move From Blogger To WordPress Reasons Platform

1) While working with the blogger who did not have all the resources to make my blog seemed professional enough for even a small tweak in the model had to spend hours to solve that since I am not a geek coding

2) There was no plugin makes life much easier in wordpress when I started using wordpress I feel I have more tools in hand to save a lot of time, while blogger, no plugins

3) Blogger can delete your blog without notice and this was the fear is always running in my mind, but I'm sure the blogger will not erase my blog from my blog was of very high quality with high quality content that also not violate any of the terms and conditions of the webmaster I was pretty sure this will not happen, but we do not know what will happen tomorrow we can not predict about it too

4) The topics were very limited in the blogger and you have to select only a few limited models, while there are thousands of free wordpress themes available that is large with a single click, you can change the design blog

5) As for SEO also I think Worpress simply better because I've designed my template blogger, were not my code there that are not SEO friendly, but do not have to manually add these codes in wordpress, because everything is backed by a large amount of free plugins

6) Some time after the publication of my blog time, he was not showing on Google quickly and you have to do manually ping the URL of my blog, but wordpress there is an integrated service Pining which indexes our new blog quickly in google and other search results research

7) Could not start affiliate marketing, even if he wanted, but made sure from the start that my readers are my first priority, I will never promote a product or service that I have never used in the past or currently what I have left a lot of money on the table because they are not my affiliate programs lucrative as you can make money by promoting hosting plans, plugins and web issues, but since it was using blogger How can I promote hosting plan if I am using free blogger platform. I do not work on money I blog because I like money is the reward I am.

8) Another large and one of the most important reasons is that I do not like giving false information to my readers and never share the information I'm not 100% sure this you can see why all my posts blog've never ever published on wordpress because I'm not using WordPress and how my readers had fallen when they read the post where I give advice and suggestions despite always using me wordpress blogger.

9) So I always document my learning so I can help my readers exactly what the problems and challenges facing most beginners bloggers to a successful blog, literally from scratch I did be. And while blogger I cover almost all important issues and as I do with wordpress and I will document all the little things they will learn wordpress and share with my blog readers and will make my last resort blogs for all beginners who want to start blogging

So to sum friends this was the main reason why you should move your blog from Blogger to WordPress hosted blog free. Just do share your thoughts and opinions through comments and love to discuss this topic. I want to thank Google to provide a great platform for this kind of blogs, but the situation still requires more and you have to respect the rule to continue to improve and take our website to the next level of success.
