Tuesday 21 June 2016

How To Make Money On Your Blog Guest Posts


If you are thinking about how to make money from anonymous in my blog or how to get paid to accept guest posts on your blog posts, you've landed on the right blog because I'll show you a trick that works with test that I used to make money passively accepting only 2 items as a guest on my blog so far I accept not very fond of anonymous messages but when I started blogging to try different methods of monetization I thought why not give it a try and see if I can make money with guest posts on my blog. I'm sure you could ask customers to receive messages can be once or twice a week, especially if you have a good blog with excellent Alexa ranking. Personally, I get daily requests from guest blogging in my blog. But I am sure that if the quality is good and the topic is relevant to my niche, so let guest posting on my blog, but for those who want to make quick money by accepting guest posts on your blog, here, in this post, I'll show you a good, but a real trick looking to bag some money so you can pay your bills hosting at least. So without wasting much time, we will see how we can achieve this goal

How to Make Money On Your Blog Guest Posts - With a Test

Back when I started blogging, I did not know how to make money or blogs this really works and learn new everyday ways to make money with my blog the first method I found was Google adsense but to get the Google check will have to wait until you get the payment threshold $ 100, which in any case reached well before starting this blog because I was 2-3 blogs that are not in the niche of internet marketing and you should be aware that if you are in different niche marketing the Internet, then you can make money with Google Adsense Hugh, but unfortunately for niche marketing on the Internet, it is very difficult to make a good amount of income with Google Adsense, because all visitors and readers of our blog are well aware of what that is Google AdSense believe me friends I've clicked ever in the AdSense ads Google all in one another editor blog because I know what they are so money from Google Adsense in this niche is difficult, so I was looking to try other ways to make money and that's how I discovered this method will explain later

How I can make money by accepting guest blogging in my blog
Believe me friends when I started this blog, I'm really not knowing that there are other ways besides Google AdSense so one day, I was checking my email and I have a request for a person asking randomly for viewing guest in my blog and at first sight, I denied it at first because I do not accept anonymous at that time messages, but later, after 2 to 3 days, yet I approached with a deal and it was great to especially if you are a beginner and want a little money coming into your Paypal account.

So the question was asked if I allow him to do a guest post on my blog to attract money was not great, as it was only a month after I started this blog and I have many items so I accepted this case, but I asked him to send the first article and I'll take a look and if it's good, then I'll publish. In the next 2 to 3 hours, I sent the article that was great, so I decided to write in my blog and informed him that his message is live on my blog and immediately sent me the amount is about $ 25 dollars and was the the first time I realized that there are other methods as well.

So how, after Leveraged this trick to make money from my other blogs want to know on a regular basis Yes :)

Now you have to think that it is normal and yes there are many bloggers who make money through paid messages or after a reference, but if I ask you to accept guest posts on your blog to grow your traffic and while earning money as well :) Great If you loved him, I loved him very much, but I'm sure that after the end of the blog, also love this tip

View friends most of you should consider, and many are unaware of beginner bloggers especially that most of the demand that is obtained by the client display is self-employed, link builders and agencies SEO performing banking the most money in their pockets to make these messages on blogs guests high authority and only approach you with very friendly and polite words, but these are all marketing gimmicks also learn special too when all are asked on the client screen on your blog :)

What happens here is that these self-employed and link builders simply work for other companies or organizations that pay to publish their articles on the website and the websites of high PR and the money they receive is beautiful and you get an article 500-1000 word and think they are smart, but it's time to prove that we bloggers are not stupid, we are 10 times smarter than you

Here are the tips every time I used to get approached by someone asking the guest to my blog, so I usually tell them is that I'm very busy with my schedule and have no time to examine it since I only accept articles quality in my blog, but this is something I do not deny it, but I opened the doors of negotiation what I told them, if the application is very urgent, please send an email and I will take some time from my busy schedule to review your mail and post on my blog for a small fee and believe me friends tried this trick five season and out of these 3 times my offer was accepted by the other party want to see proof below is proof of my paypal account

Because now I'm not very good at it, but you can use this trick to earn quick money from your blog, but never go overboard and ruin your reputation as a blogger because the most valuable asset that blog is for your readers, but some time you can make money if the item is authentic and relevant to you niche, but again, I will remind him not to go overboard to happy to make money, you can make money, since other methods such as marketing affiliate, but you readers must trust you and to win the trust factor faithful readers that could put a preview of this and I think it will be good in the long run, make money by blogging

Even if 2-3 messages per month is accepted, I think it's perfectly and many pro bloggers are doing this, but to give a good mix, should also publish high quality articles you so it seems natural to Google and perfectly normal and their readers! Boys without damage if they make some money to pay their hosting accounts during the early stages of his career Blogs help and also helped me stay motivated

Important - Do not use this trick with genuine bloggers and other webmasters who want to build effective relationships with other bloggers. If you receive requests from clients of other bloggers in place, then you have to not pay for it goes, as well as other blogger also help gain more exposure and readers on your blog. And I do not think it's fair and ideal to make money to charge other genuine for this bloggers, but if you think the other person is the link builder or profession, you can use the above trick to make money by accepting and publishing guest posts on your blog

Over To You

So friends to settle is almost 3 am. I want to sleep now, I hope you like this advice on how to make money guest posts on your blog. Please share your views and if you want to ask me something that I can ask via comments and other tips say to make money by blogging works for you and last but not least, do not forget to subscribe to most impressive and such ways to make money by blogging work! Good blogs
