Thursday, 2 June 2016

10 Best 'How to sites' to visit daily


10 Best 'How to sites' to visit daily
How to sites basically wiki-style community that consisting of a wide-range database of how-to guides. There are a lots of How to site you can find on web, but which one you should visit daily; Here we made a  list for you, Read on:

10 Best 'How to sites' to visit daily

1. WikiHow 
Wikihow is the best 'How to' site it can be state as wikipedia of 'how-to' articles with more than 37,000 pieces written by volunteers. WikiHow intends to generate the best how-to content on the web. You have open account to contribute and then you will be part of a large online wiki-style community. This service uses the wiki technique of continuous betterment, letting editors to add, delete, or otherwise reform content. It has range of article categories are vast and include everything from arts and entertainment, health, and relationships, to cars, hobbies, sports , computers, and more. An Active WikiHow members take on the task of patrolling recent changes on the site, participate in various projects, keep contact through chat, forums and conference calls, and meet in person once or twice a year.

2. eHow 
eHow comes with numerous useful articles on the fly along with provides you expert tips and suggestions on topics spanning Home, Food, Finance, Health, Family, Style and much more. eHow has more than 100,000 articles and claims to have over 8 million people visiting the site every month. There are how-to videos and articles on a variety of topics ranging from cars to business, career, travel and pets, wedding and parenting. You have to create your profile in eHow and contribute articles. There are forums where you can request specific tips to be written by other members. You can also search eHow’s whole collection of articles, save your favorite eHow ‘how-to’ articles.

3. WonderHowTo 
WonderHowTo was launched in 2008. It Aimed to provide service for searching, and indexing every single awesome video tutorial on the internet as the Co Founders had come from television. But after a short period of time, the platform permitted members to contribute original articles, identifying that some topics are better read than viewed. WonderHowTo provides up to 170,000 how-to-videos & articles from up to to 17,000 specialized creators, spanning 35 vertical categories and 424 sub-categories.

4. About
About is one of the most popular and credible resource sites today with more than 53 million visitors a month. The site has around 2 million articles, videos, and tutorials on subjects including health care, parenting issues, advice on travel, cooking, technology, and hobbies, among others. A simple search on the site with the keyword 'how to' has more than 597,000 search results. That is more than any how-to site on this list.  About is fueled by more than 650 Guides who mass-produce around 6,000 pieces of new content every week. You can apply to become an Guide if you have the expertise to write in a particular area and the time to share.

5. HowToDoThings 
HowToDoThings was launched in 2001 and, therefore, considered to be the oldest in this business. This platform provides different categories ranging from business to careers to health to travel to hobbies to relationship and many more. The existed content on this platform’s assortment is borrowed from experts, knowledgeable, and passionate amateurs. As stated by the company, the platform has a visitor base of fewer than 6 million viewers per month. This community provides solutions based on category or you can simply search your targeted content by putting it in the search bar which is attached in the site.

6. Instructables
Instructables is packed with guides and instruction for you to make your stuff extra ordinary. Besides, you can hunt out a number of creative and innovative projects in its database comprising of up to 100,000 articles. The unique part of this platform is that it also provides video guides beside written and graphical instructions. Anyone can share their thoughts and ideas on this portal along with upload guides on almost any of your own creative projects to the site. Users can create seemly images to illustrate steps, and instructional written guide or a video.

7. ExpertVillage 
ExpertVillage is the the world's largest how-to video site and has thousands of them recorded by experts. These are all available free of cost to watch or download. Becoming a member allows you to rate the articles, bookmark your favorite entries, and make comments on the site. You can contribute to the site if you have a license from a legitimate authority or extensive experience in your field. This is one site that has this particular differentiation from the rest in this lot, as the rest accept tips from one and all. You can also apply as a filmmaker if you are good at photography, and send your per-recorded videos.

8. HowToGeek
HowToGeek is a online platform which is intended at providing magazine, interesting articles, how-to, and even fun trivia to it visitors. The service has been working to simplify the existed content so that it can easily be comprehended by regular visitors. The service comes with categories ranging from articles, discussion, subscribe, gadgets, geek school, and a search bar that offers you search whatever you are looking for on the site.

9. VideoJug 
VideoJug was launched in 2006. It provides videos in formats like 'How To' and 'Ask The Expert' on a variety of subjects like food & drink, love & sex, beauty & style, sports & fitness, health, leisure & hobbies, technology, home, pets, parenting, cars, jobs, career, travel, cars, and many more. You can upload your videos on VideoJug. There is also a forum on VideoJug where you can post questions.

10. SuTree 
SuTree aims to providing instructional guides through videos. The service comes with up to 25 categories with 85, 292 videos and a member base of 10,452; beside, there are 279 distinct courses available on this site. All of the available content on this platform is tested and affirmed by the staff before they can go live to make sure quality and upto date instructions.

So which one is favorite don't forget to mention :)

