Sunday 19 June 2016

7 Reasons Why WordPress is Better Than Blogger Blogs and SEO


1. Enormous Plugins is Not Free -

This is one of the main reasons why nearly most bloggers and website owners use wordpress blogger WordPress because you will get hundreds of free plugins that are very nice and literally saves time and headaches are not present in the blogger and that's why I like wordpress blogger in fact more than any other blogging platform out there.

For example, to display related messages below blog posts so if blogger, who has his hands on coding and break the head to where I need to paste the code so that it makes and displays correctly used the related posts below the blog post area with wordpress but you can just go to your wordpress plugins and Dashbord then find related posts and find hundreds of free plugins that will help you show then the comments below blog with one click and without to break the head.

Seriously, I do not know the others, but really hated when I was using blogger, even for a simple task, I was like losing 30 to 40 minutes to make changes in my blogger model wordpress, but it's just a matter minutes I can to do the job much faster.

2. SEO -

This is another advantage of Hugh what WordPress is better than Blogger and I can say that if you want to make your blog more SEO friendly then move on now because the model codes are very clean and there are many extensions of images SEO really can downsize images on the blog that help your blog to load very quickly and this is one of the ranking factors as users as site most important fast charging google and are not usually wait a long time to load your blog.

There are also other plugins impressive SEO and Yoast SEO I use on this blog and is the only plugin you need to take care of their task of SEO and there are many other plugins like the plugin WP-Cache greatly helps reduce the load time your blog

Another advantage for beginners with bloggers is that they usually get scared with the more technical terms as the sitemap and robots.txt or meta description and title tags and if Blogger is used then you must manually add this data and create sitemaps and modify robots. txt but if WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast is used, you can do all these tasks on the Settings tab, which is excellent.

You can easily add redirect within your editor wordpress using various plugins as easy SEO redirection and if the test is written after the examination can be used products plug-in to add stars to blog posts significantly increase the percentage of clicks

Therefore, the overall benefit of groundsheet in terms of SEO is that Hugh what we get in the blogger, in fact, there is no way you can automate all these things of the blogger and do it manually.

3. The Impressive and Professional Research Topics -

If you still have doubts about the features of wordpress so I want to add more more advantage for WordPress you can get free professional and impressive looking into wordpress themes simply visit the website and can be downloaded free wordpress themes for your blog and huge collection of wordpress free themes are impressive in terms of design and functionality blogger, but has only a couple of songs that literally thousands of other blogs be used and they should know that rise above the crowd you need to make your blog looks different that gives a more professional look.

In addition, you can go to higher themes that allows more customization options and other construction features to make your most professional blog and the combination of free themes and free plugins that can make a big and robust blog that will stand out from the other blogs out there on the internet.

4. Total Control of Your Blog -

I'm sure you must have heard cases blogs blogger deleted without notice to the administrator of the site and lose all your hard work, even if you can keep your Blogger blog, but it is an additional headache that can be removed wordpress completely if used. Why, because if you then use Blogger all content is hosted on Google servers and if you feel that the blog violates their huge list of terms and conditions, then just delete your unannounced blog and this is very tragic for any blogger especially if you have lots of messages.

But with WordPress you will not have to worry about it and you will have full control over your blog and no one can delete your blog, unless you want to delete guess I will not. I saw this case and came with me once when I arranged a blog on Blogger fitness and literally Search forums about it until later I came to know I'm not the only one who has become the victim of this and I'm sure many of you should be aware of this in order to be on the safe side and keep a blog safely, you must use wordpress blogger on.

5. Make Money Blogging -

If you want to earn money by blogging then surely you must use wordpress without thinking twice because there are many networks popular advertising that only accepts blogs wordpress these advertising networks and the most popular is BuySellAds accepting WordPress blogs not matter how popular you are and a blog that does not bother what is the quality of your alexa rank is just rejected his blog if you will make money through direct ads then you should definitely start blogging on WordPress.

Also, if you make money with Google AdSense, then you have to paste the code of Google AdSense on your Blogger template which again is not very nice, but with wordpress that can get put adsense or other ad code on your WordPress blog where you want and lots of plugins to do and I will write an article about it too.

Whether you're planning to make money by blogging with Google adsense, direct advertising, sponsored posts, paid reviews or marketing then affiliate the help of wordpress that a lot because it looks more professional and that the chances of obtaining approval by most advertising networks will increase and will have more advertising that Blogger offers.

6. Sell Your Blog -

Many times you think that I have many ideas to blog about the topic or niche or there are times when you simply want to sell your blog and make some money, then in that case a hand also wordpress because no one will buy your blog Blogger with some exceptions, but most buyers care wordpress blog. Tell me honestly what impression you get when you visit the blogger blog compared to WordPress blog, because you know that the blogger is free and anyone can start a blog on blogger in seconds, but with WordPress you know you have to pay bills housing so that must mean serious about their blogs, increasing the chances that your blog could easily get sold at much higher prices.

If you do not believe me, you can go to flippa is a purchase of a popular website and in the sales market and tell me in the comments section how blogs blogger to find it listed there and I'm sure not you will find many in fact you will not find in a blogger blog listed there. So if you are considering getting into the business of buying or selling websites and blogs, then you should use WordPress safely.

7. Professional Blogger -

Last but not least if you want to become a full-time blogger or want to become a successful blogger and make money, then you need to quickly move your blog from Blogger to WordPress wordpress because it is the only platform that blogs will give all necessary to build a successful blog and earn a lot of money online tools. I can tell you that there are many bloggers full-time on the internet that are making a full-time living online and use all Wordpress and Blogger cannot go to Google and is only a few bloggers who are full-time professional bloggers and the blogger use. Most successful bloggers use WordPress So if you are really serious about blogging and planning to make it a full time career, then you should choose wordpress blogger definitely takes all the points mentioned above.

About You - :)

So friends was 7 Benefits and reasons why WordPress is better than Blogger and SEO for blogs and I hope this article must have cleared all your doubts and help to the conclusion that indeed should be used instead of wordpress blogger. I wonder what you think about this issue because it is very popular among many of the discussion beginning bloggers and Internet marketers So please share your views in the comments section and I would want to read your opinions. Last but not least, do not forget to share and subscribe for tips and tricks blogs more impressive and free! Good blogs

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