Thursday, 11 June 2015

Laravel Framework – How its features contribute into PHP


The success of Laravel can certainly be attributed to its features. A majority of PHP developers are using Laravel, and the number is continually growing, owing to a large section of developers switching over to this framework. Launched in 2011, Laravel has surged ahead of its competitors and tops the 2015 charts as the leading PHP framework. Before to the analysis of the features of this framework, let us know what is it all about Laravel and why is it so famous.

This framework is an open source web application framework. It follows the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern. Using this pattern, user interfaces can be implemented. The MVC design pattern has a model(responsible for maintaining data), view(responsible for generating a user interface), and controller(a link between model and view, and sends commands to both) as the components. Famously known as "fullstack" framework, Laravel can manage database, web serving, HTML generation, etc. Also, at a time when not many frameworks provided features like, support for user authentication and authorization, Laravel has done it.

Try asking any PHP developer who uses Laravel as a framework, as to why they love Laravel! You would get a flood of responses: all laravel developers tells like 'elegant', 'easy coding', time saving' and so on. The reasons for this being that, Laravel offers eloquent ORM, blade template engine, reverse routing, expressive syntax, modern toolkit, application logic, automatic pagination, etc.
Seven top features of Laravel that make it the most popular framework

View composers:
They are class methods or callbacks which are called when a view is rendered. View composer helps in organizing logic into one location.Using view composers, one can bind data to view without the need for code duplication and there is no necessity of manual attachment of data.

Blade template engine:
The Blade is a very simple and powerful template engine with all the tools. Template inheritance and sections drive the blade. ".blade.php" extension. This default and inbuilt template helps in saving more HTML code writing.

In Laravel, Artisan is the name given to command line interface. Artisan offers a wide range of commands in the course of application development. "List" command can be used to view all the artisan commands.

Routing system:
Routing in Laravel is very useful and helps to control HTTP mechanism of the application. Static page handling, passing parameters, group routing and 404 page management can be easily done in Laravel.

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