Tuesday 28 April 2015

15 Facts About Net Neutrality You Must Know


There has been so much hype and mass support on Net Neutrality. So many organizations have initiated campaigns to make people aware of net neutrality and to raise support for it. What exactly do we mean by Net Neutrality? How can it benefit common people? Why we need to support it?
All these questions will be answered shortly and we will try to understand a little more about net neutrality. In simple words, Net neutrality means our internet service provider should not bother about what content we view and post over internet just like our telephone company should not bother about whom we call. The ISPs(Internet Service Providers) should not discriminate against applications or websites and let us visit all the open networks freely.

All the internet traffic should be treated with equality. Most of the people think that they are already accessing a neutral internet service. They can view any open network but behind the scene there is a completely different story. For example, an eCommerce company makes a deal with your ISP that says make my website load ultra fast on your user’s system and make other rival websites load damn slow. By doing this, the users will become frustrated with the service of those rival websites and would automatically start using the website who is paying their internet service providers. You see here is the breach of Net neutrality. Now, even if the rival website is much better and effective by your needs and budget but you are made to use the other one.
Here is a very interesting inforgraphic telling us 15 important and interesting facts about Net neutrality that we all must know. We request all our users to spread awareness about net neutrality. Net neutrality is the future of internet. It will increase healthy competition and innovation on internet otherwise even if a website contains all the crap it can still be shown on your web browser by paying money to your ISP.
net neutrality
