Monday 13 April 2015

10 Things To Know About Google AdSense To Get Your Account Approved


Google AdSenseAdSense is the best available monetizing option available for websites and blogs.
Among all the online companies offering CPC & CPM based advertising programs; AdSense offers the best possible rates to their publishers.
Once Google approves your AdSense account – it’s easy to implement ads on your blog, track your success rate and receive your Google AdSense cheque month after month.

Why Bloggers Love AdSense?

  • Google is a trusted brand. And AdSense is their flag-ship program besides other premium products, where they generate lion share of their revenue.
  • They pay the highest possible rate for CPC (Cost-per-click) & CPM (Cost-per-million) based ad inventory sales compared to other AdSense like companies such as ChitikaInfolinksBidvertiser,, etc.
  • Creating custom ad units with your choice of text color, link color and background color is very easy and usually takes 2 to 3 mins. Tracking an ad unit or page for clicks to optimize for better performance (earning) is even easier with AdSense.
There are innumerable advantages of AdSense comparative to other advertising programs available. But trust, payout rates and easy to use are the 3 main reasons why bloggers love it the most.
You will be surprised to know – There are highly successful bloggers with huge traffic who display only AdSense ads on their blog. Because they feel proud of. Even though they can earn more money by showing ads from other networks along with AdSense.
There are bloggers who have started blogging only to earn money from Google AdSense. And many a times, when Google doesn’t approve their AdSense account they quit blogging completely.
This is the kind of madness you can see among bloggers for AdSense.

Are you eligible for AdSense?

Getting your AdSense Application approved by Google is like a dream come true. Because you can now monetize your blog; no matter how much traffic you get or how many dollars ($$$) you earn per month. Now you’re in for blogging business.
I still remember, in year 2008 – 2009, getting an AdSense A/c approved from Google was a child’s play. I’ve seen blogs with single page and hardly a week old were getting approved by Google. So many bloggers had even multiple AdSense accounts for their multiple blogs. In case one account get banned by Google due to some reasons then they started using their other account.
Now things have changed drastically. It’s no more an easy job to get your AdSense account approved for your blog. Google has become stricter with their requirements, and their Terms and Conditions. Below are the things you should know to prepare your blog and yourself to get your AdSense account approved from Google.

1. Custom Domain

Google doesn’t accept sub-domain for AdSense Program. Gone are the days when so many bloggers were earning 100s and 1000s of dollars with their sub-domains.
No matter whether you’ve a TLD (Top Level Domain) or CC TLD (Country Code Top Level Domain); you should be the owner of the primary domain with access to the HTML code of the site. If you’re still blogging with a sub-domain from Blogger or WordPress, then go… get a custom domain for yourselftoday.

2. Site Age

Your blog should be atleast 6 months old, if you’re from India or China. This step is taken by Google to curb spammy AdSense applications.
Because, in terms of number – India & China constitute more than 40% of bloggers in the World. There is no “site age restriction” for other countries in the World. But still it’s advisable that your blog should be 6 months old or more if you’re from an Asian country.

3. Quality Content

Google gives more emphasis on quality over quantity when it comes to content. Irrespective of niches, your blog posts should be above average in quality. It should be unique and informative.
If your blog contains copied materials then the chances of getting your AdSense account approved is extremely deem. Although Google has not mentioned clearly, still it is advisable to have at least 50 blog posts or more at the time of application.

4. Niche

Google always maintains a balance between the number of advertisers (AdWords) and publishers (AdSense) for each niches.
If a niche is already saturated with AdSense Publishers then they become stricter while approving new AdSense account.This is the reason a couple of years back Google was not approving new AdSense account for Technology Space. They even banned a lot of existing accounts in tech space for not maintaining the minimum level of quality.
So, if your blog belongs to competitive niches like Technology, Recipe and Finance; you’ve to work hard to raise the quality of your blog. For info – Blogging, SEO, Social Media Marketing and Gadgets fall under Technology.

5. Are You 18

AdSense is not for minors. You should be at least 18 years old with a Bank A/c of your own. Here, 18 means – You must have completed 18 years.

6. Illegal Stuff

If you’re promoting pornography, illegal drugs, liquor, hatred against a race or a community then AdSense is not for you. Google is strictly against these type of practices.

7. Privacy Policy

Lot of webmasters think Privacy Policy is for websites who sell some kind of goods (physical or digital). But for an AdSense account your blog also needs a clear Privacy Policy.
You should clearly mention on your Privacy Policy section – how you use all the data collected from your users or blog visitors. It can be email, telephone number, name, physical address, or even IP address. You should also mention about – how you use cookies on your site for better user experience.

8. About Us

Your about us section should clearly mention about the owner/owners of the blog. A physical address, telephone number and an Email ID is a must. Your name on the about us section and application form should tally.

9. Physical Address

You may not agree, but a physical address on your contact us section plays a big role. Your physical address on the application form where you would like to receive the AdSense cheque and the address mentioned on the contact us section should be same.

10. Traffic & Page Views

Google has never disclosed about – how many page views or traffic they need on your blog to approve an AdSense account. But the general consensus is that – it’s at least 250 page views per day.
So, these are the things (Top 10) you should remember while applying for a Google AdSense account for your blog. Remember – Getting an AdSense account is not so easy, so if you get one, then never do a silly mistake to get banned by Google. Because once you get banned, it’s almost an impossible task to recover it. People have lost their account for silly things like – writing click the below ad to run the blog, displaying the AdSense ad on a large image as background, and mimicking the AdSense ads as the navigation of the site or blog.
I invite you to add a tip or two about AdSense to make my list perfect. Blog… earn… and be happy :)
