Are you looking for best books on ethical hacking? Then, I must say that this article will surely help you and you will get a best list of 10 books on ethical hacking. These books are recommended for the beginners and will provide the best knowledge about the security. Following is the list of 10 best books on ethical hacking:
1. Metasploit: The Penetration Tester’s Guide
This book is dealing with Penetration Testing. It is beneficial for the readers who do not have any prior knowledge about Metasploit. At the end of the book the reader will get sufficient knowledge of penetration test.
2. Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition
Readers must read this book. It is best among many Ethical Hacking Books. This book provides you knowledge about the obstacles beginners facing during the beginning of their ethical hacking profession.
3. The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing
This book covers all the main areas of penetration testing and hacking, exploitation and shell code. It also gives you a shrewd knowledge of getting access to the system.
4. CEH Certified Ethical Hacker All-in-One Exam Guide
It is a well written book in all Ethical Hacking Books. The reader must have some little knowledge of basic networking to take the full advantage of the crisp and clear writing along with the relevant examples in this book.
5. Comp TIA Security: Get Certified Get Ahead: SYO-301 Study Guide
This book has a clear, easy and straightforward content about the complicated topics, but in an excellent way. It will increase your acquaintance about the Hacking securities.
6. CEH Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide
This book provides the sufficient ethical hacking stuff to the readers. This book contains the real world scenarios and exercises. The book is also available in electronic flashcards and pdf too.
7. The CEH Prep Guide
It is also a certified book among many other ethical hacking books. It facilitates you with an overview of computer security environment.
8. Certified Ethical Hacker Exam
It provides clear, concise and technical information about the ethical hacking. It has helped many people to learn ethical hacking. May be you can also give it a try.
9. CEH: Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide
It provides excellent overview about the objectives of CEH. It help you to use the terminology and tools for hacking.
10. Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide
This book delivers major concepts, techniques and step-by-step tutorials about the ethical hacking.
You know some other effective book on ethical hacking? Share with us in comments.