Saturday 24 January 2015

Best AdSense Placement Tips For Higher Revenue


AdSense placement tipsLooking for AdSense placement tips for higher CTR (Click through rate)?
Every AdSense user always search for a dream position for their AdSense Ads on their blogs and websites to generate higher revenue with more and more number of clicks.
I will give you some valuable tips about best possible AdSense placement on your blog to earn some extra bucks.
First of all, tell me one thing – Why a web-surfer clicks AdSense Ads?
As an AdSense user and to know the best possible AdSense placement, you should know the psychology of your blog visitors.

Psychology of AdSense Clickers

By understanding the psychology of your blog visitors, you have to strategically place AdSense Ads to fulfill their needs. Basically there are 3 types of AdSense clickers -
(1) Impulsive clickers: These are the visitors who lands-up on your blog and click AdSense Ads out of compulsion. This type of web-readers have very less attention span and quite impulsive.
(2)Semi-impulsive clickers: These type of visitors are information seekers but usually click an AdSense in the midway of the article, in search of better information.
(3) Information seeking clickers: There are the visitors who read your article till the end and click an AdSense Ads to gather more information. This type of web-readers show great patience.

AdSense Rules by Google

(1) Don’t encourage accidental clicks by mimicking menu, navigation, or download links.
(2) Don’t encourage users to click by placing Ads under misleading headings such as Related links, Recommended sites, My favorite sites, Latest news etc.
(3) Don’t confuse users by aligning images with AdSense Ads.
(4) Don’t format content to mimic Ads.
(5) Don’t push your content below the fold by putting Google Ads.

Ask Yourself Few Important Questions

(1) What are the hot-spots on my blog ?
(2) Why (reason) visitors will click AdSense Ads on my blog?
(3) How can I integrate Ads into my content without compromising user experience?
(4) How can I keep my blog looking clean, uncluttered and appealing?

AdSense Placement Layouts

Now that you have learnt the psychology of your blog visitors, I will tell you different AdSense placement options for more clicks and more revenue.
Generally, Ads placed above the fold perform much better than those below the fold. Ads near LOGO, below navigation, or near rich content usually attract more clicks.
AdSense Placement Layout - 11. When a visitor lands in this layout, he may click the header Ad unit out of compulsion.
Chances are that he may be an impatience reader, and click the sidebar Ad unit.
In case, he reads the complete article, there is high chances that he might click the below content AdSense unit.

AdSense Placement Layout - 2
2. This layout is my favorite!
When a visitor lands-up here, there is maximum probability of clicking the below navigation AdSense unit. Because it requires very less mouse movement. Even semi-impulsive readers also click this type of Ad placement.
The sidebar and below content AdSense units are there for information seeking clickers.

AdSense Placement Layout - 33. This type of layout is just OK. But lots of bloggers use it.
Here you are compromising with the user experience by placing an Ad almost within the content, just below the navigation bar but parallel to the content. It seems, as if you are giving more importance to the Ad unit than the content itself.
Rest two units, in the middle of the sidebar and below the content are as usual.
Don’t expect too many clicks in this type of layout.

AdSense Placement Layout - 44. This type of layout is popular among newbie bloggers. They never hesitate to place an Ad unit in between the content. As if they give much more importance to Ads than the content.
Due to the cluttered looks, visitors think of it as an unprofessional website and never come back again.
I certainly not recommend this layout to my readers. In short-term may be you get some success, but in long-term it will not work in your favor.

Google’s Recommendations

Google AdSense Heat mapThe dark orange colored areas perform the strongest (Maximum clicks) and the light yellow colored area the weakest performers (Minimum clicks).
This heat map by Google provides a rough idea for placement of AdSense Ads in all types of blogs and websites. But, finally it’s up to you to decide the best possible placements.

AdSense Placement on Mashable and TechCrunch

Checkout these two famous blogs for their Ad placement. Beside the LOGO in header, just below navigation bar and top portion of side bar (above the fold) area are their favorites.
AdSense Placement on Mashable and TechCrunch
What is your favorite AdSense placement spots on your blog. Did you like any of the above layouts? Add your valuable tips in comments below.
