Friday 6 February 2015

6 Powerful Rules to Succeed in Mobile Advertising


As the more and more mobile users are connecting to internet, more and more advertisers are bidding for mobile advertising. Some of the advertisers say that their mobile ads don’t work, they don’t benefit much from mobile ads.
So, we first need to understand why mobile ads don’t work. Main reason is that people do not find your mobile ads interesting. Most of the mobile ads don’t analyse users’ context to display relevant information. If user accidentally click mobile ad then it ruins users experience and damages brand image.
Most of the mobile ads do not provide users with extra value to convince them convert into a fan or customer. Note, consumers’ habits are changing so advertising techniques also much change.
There are a few things you need to do to make your mobile advertising campaign successful. We have a very informative and brief infographic telling 6 magical rules to help you succeed in mobile advertising.
succeed in mobile advertising
