Tuesday 25 June 2013

How to do Communication Setting between BW and SAP R/3


Step 1: Define Logical System in R/3.
Define logical system. Here one can define the source systems one wants to connect. Make entries for both R/3 and BW system.
T-Code: BD54
Please repeat the same step in BW also.

Step 2: Assigning Logical System to Client.
Once logical systems have been defined, next step is to assign these systems to respective clients. The link basically establishes a logical name for an SAP client in the distribution process. A one-to-one relationship exists between a logical system and a client. Again, this setting is required on every system involved in the process.

Once an entry is made in above screen, one is navigated to next screen where standard settings are needed to be maintained. Here importantly one needs to maintain the Logical system that is needed to be assigned. Then save the settings.

Please repeat the same step in BW also with respective client number for BW.

Step 3: Setting Up an RFC Destination.
In this step, you create an RFC destination on the local system for each remote SAP system with which you want to communicate. In the RFC destination, you specify all the information necessary to log on to the remote system to execute functions remotely, including the host name, the user ID, the password, the client, the system number, and additional communication settings.
So after creating a new entry of type ABAP Connection (The ALE process uses type R/ 3 connections to communicate with a remote SAP system, and the EDI process uses type TCP/IP connections to communicate with the EDI subsystem), one is expected to fill in details in Technical tab. Fill the Target Host Id (this should be same as defined in SALE) and give System No. and IP Address of the target system or the Alias for the system as shown below:

Next in the Logon & Security tab, fill login details for the target system (in this case BW).

Please repeat the same step in BW also but select source system as R/3 in SM59.
Step 4: Distributing Data Model:
Having created the basic ALE Infrastructure (till step SM59), lets move forward to Distribute the data model. A distribution model is used to model a distributed environment in which you specify messages exchanged between sending and receiving systems. You must create the model on the system that will be the model's owner. This owner is responsible for maintaining the model and distributing it to various systems. Other systems are prohibited from making changes to the model. Following steps are involved in this process.
1. Maintain a distribution model.
2. Generate a partner profile.
3. Distribute Data Model.
You begin by clicking the Create Model View button on the main screen of transaction BD64.

Once Distribution Model is created, let’s add Message type using which the sender and receiver system will communicate (in this case BW and R/3 also remember that the communication will be both ways i.e. from R/3 to BW and from BW to R/3). To achieve this, place cursor on Model created (VCR3BW) and click on Add Message type button on top right corner. This will open a dialog button where fill the sender system id and receiver system id.
Message Types Involved in Process of Data Loading:
RSRQST: This message type is send by BW to R/3 while loading any data. This gives information about the data source, selection condition and other BW settings to R/3. As and when a load is started in BW, RSRQST message type is sent to R/3 requesting for data.
RSINFO: Once R/3 receives RSRQST message from BW, it sends an acknowledgement message type to BW informing about the status of request. That is whether the request can be handled or not by R/3. It also gives information about how many data packages are being send and what is the total number of records extracted for the given data source and selection.
RSSEND: After sending a positive acknowledgement to BW, R/3 starts the extraction job and starts collecting data in data idocs. This message type carries the actual data with it into the BW system.

Hence we need to maintain these message types for the distribution model we created above. But make sure that correct messages are assigned to correct system.

So Click on Add Message Type and give sender as R/3 system and receiver as BW system and message type as RSINFO

Similarly add message type RSSEND from R/3 to BW.

Now add message type RSRQST from BW to R/3.

Having created the Distribution model, let’s distribute this model. This process will replicate a similar setting in BW side automatically.
Please note that Distribution of data model is not needed to be repeated in BW side as this step automatically replicates settings in BW.
Go to Edit􀃆 Model View􀃆 Distribute.

Choose the target system in which the settings needs to be replicated

Step 5: Generating Partner Profile
This process generates a partner profile for each system with which your system communicates. Outbound records are created in the partner profile for each outgoing message, and inbound records are created for each incoming message. You can execute transaction WE20 to view the partner profiles generated by this transaction.

Next, one is taken to following screen where one can define the partner system id and the user that communicates

After this Execute and wait for the system messages which inform whether partner profile was successfully created or not.

Hence the partner profile was successfully generated…

Now logon on to the BW system and go to T-Code BD64 and test the partner profile settings, whether they are correctly transmitted or not. We can execute it here (in BW) also and get our settings tested.
Step 6: Maintaining Message types in T-Code WE20:
Again we need to follow this activity both in BW and R/3. When in R/3 systems WE20, then click on BW system id, and check whether Outbound and Inbound parameters are correctly filled if not then fill it manually as below:

Depending on your client settings one can define different message types for eg:

Now test once again for Partner profile setting and we are ready to have data transfer between BW and R/3 (this can be done directly using T-Code BD82).
