Saturday 27 August 2016

How to Rank Micro Niche Sites Strategies and Tactics


How to Rank  Micro Niche Sites Strategies Tips and Tactics

To rank websites micro niche that you have to carry out the strategies and yes there are many advantages to creating websites micro niches only because they are great sites that focus tightly around a specific niche as how to get rid of acne, how to quit smoking, which means that the public will specifically wanted to know more about this particular niche and rank websites micro niche is fairly easy if you do your homework involving stages of keyword research to build their niche sites.

I tried myself to rank sites niche micro under very high competition and it was very large in a short time, can not reveal the domain name here, but believe me, I even have managed to get my niche sites name google tool autofill and I made good money out of it and more money will come in the following months How can classify quickly your micro niche websites and how has lots of traffic and make money online easily so in this post I will share some tips and strategies that will definitely help you sort your niche sites very quickly.

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Ranking Micro Niche Strategies and Tactics Quickly

1) Keyword Research –  First, it is necessary to properly investigate keywords for your niche sites and this is the base building and lay the groundwork for the possibility that you can qualify for a keyword or set of keywords word, you can use the free Google AdWords tool to get the idea of ​​your main keywords.

2) Analyse Traffic- Although general websites, micro niches are made to reach an audience specific niche but we also have to make sure that the keyword that we target and get enough searches per month worldwide or Local to justify our time and effort.

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3) Analyse Competition – analyzing your competition niche is also very important because you do not want to go after a keyword that is having lots and lots of competition in the market and whether to target the word keyword "How make money online "ranking then good luck on page 1 of Google and not say it is impossible, but this market is to have a strong competition will be all the big sites have become the best places and the results it is best to choose keywords have medium to low competition.

4) Domain Name – Sort niche sites, should also pay attention to their domain names and you must choose a domain name that has keywords that will help your niche websites for some SEO benefits however EMD (exact match domains) do not have much impact in terms of SEO they used to have in the past, but it certainly helps to have your main keyword in your domain name.

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5) EMD or PMD – EMD EMD (domain exact match) vs PMD (domains partial match) you have to choose, I think that no matter your preferred domain name, as long as you provide value Internet users not to fall prey to update Google EMD, but I've seen many bloggers are often afraid to go with EMD and prefer to buy add PMD prefix or suffix to their name field, but if you ask me then I will get a domain exact match for SEO , if available, because I know that I can add value to my readers.

6) Niche Knowledge – I think the benefit of having some knowledge of the place you are targeting is added, however, if the content is externalized and put it on their website micro niche and saw me blogger who literally do not know nothing about the niche and achieved the ranking of their websites and it is certainly possible to categorize your micro niche websites using this strategy provided you have the necessary resources required to create quality niche sites.

7) Site Structure – Make sure the site structure is good and provides easy navigation for your readers to easily find the pages and important sections of its specialized sites like Google sites that are well structured, Do you know that pages in their niches are in place.

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8) Building Content –Once the structure niche site now preparation time is creating quality content and this is not the factor 1 defining its positioning in niche websites in search engines to build a content quality around your keywords and additional target keyword long tail complement the main keywords, so niche sites get more traffic to other keywords long tail in place and this will definitely increase your confidence in the eyes of Google and micro niche site is going very well positioned in Google and other search engines.

9) Building Backlinks – Links Oh! I will certainly be able to build backlinks 1,000 to my new websites micro niches in one week, but wait until the building too many backlinks in a short period of time will definitely increase the signal red flag in eyes of Google and websites micro niche will be penalized or worst being banned in Google best strategy is to build your receding slowly and give a natural look, whether to build backlinks 100 is fine, but look natural and build gradually bit and keeps your niche secure site.

10) Exact Match Anchors – I saw that many bloggers starting often use strategies anchor tags accurate to quickly sort your sites niche game, but until they find your site penalized by Google and I God saw it myself, trust me when I build my niche micro-sites on the next day I build 10 labels anchor text exact match to point to my website and after a few days, meeting tray Google sand of my sites and my sites simply they disappeared from the Google searches, but later I get this success so keep anchor text varies.

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These are the people in the form of rank websites micro niche and my strategies I use to pay my beautiful places I hope you enjoyed and if all the tips and strategies mentioned are still above, then surely you will be able to rank their sites niche very quickly in Google, I'd like to know your ranking strategies and tactics niche through comments and how to make their niche sites, and last but not least, do not forget to subscribe for more interesting sites place in the classification of the strategies and tactics.
