Thursday 19 May 2016

8 Best Terminal Emulator to use


8 Best Terminal Emulator to use
Terminal emulator/terminal application is a program that emulates a video terminal within some other display architecture. Though typically synonymous with a shell or text terminal, the term terminal covers all remote terminals, including graphical interfaces. The inside part of A terminal emulator is a graphical user interface is often called a terminal window; terminal window allows the user access to a text terminal and all its applications such as command-line interfaces and text user interface applications. These may be running either on the same machine or on a different one via telnet, ssh, or dial-up. Terminals usually support a set of escape sequences for controlling color, cursor position. There are a lot's of Terminal Emulator you can find on web, but which one you gonna choose. Here in this list Top 8 Best Terminal Emulator application listed, Read on:

8 Best Terminal Emulator to use

1. Mintty
Mintty is a free and open-source terminal emulator for Cygwin and MSYS, the Unix-like environment for Windows. It features a native Windows user interface and does not require a display server it integrates a native Windows user interface; its terminal emulation is aimed to be compatible with xterm. Mintty is based on the terminal emulation and Windows frontend parts of PuTTY, but improves on them in a number of ways, particularly regarding xterm compatibility. It is written in C. The POSIX API provided by Cygwin is used to communicate with processes running within mintty, while its user interface is implemented using the Windows API. The program icon comes from KDE's Konsole. The initiative features of Mintty are the availability of Xterm, simple copy & paste, fullscreen mode, wide character and Windows transparency, small program size, etc. The other features of Mintty are easy copy & paste system, drag & drop option for text, files.

2. ConEmu 
ConEmu/Console Emulator is a free and open-source tabbed terminal emulator for Windows. ConEmu presents multiple consoles and simple GUI applications as one customizable GUI window with tabs and a status bar. It also provides emulation for ANSI escape codes for color, bypassing the capabilities of the standard Windows Console Host to provide 256 and 24-bit color in Windows.  ConEmu contains a proper, smooth and friendly window resizing system. ConEmu is regarded as one of the best handy Windows terminal. ConEmu is a full-featured and integrated local terminal for Windows administrations, devs and users. The program has a large range of customization, including custom color palettes for the standard 16 colors, hotkeys, transparency, an auto-hideable mode.
3. Terminator 
Terminator is an open-source terminal emulator programmed in Java. It is available on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix systems that use the X Window System. Terminator will run on any modern POSIX system running Java 6 or later. Terminator is a platform that provides multiple terminals in one window. It is based on the environment of GNOME-multi-term, quadkonsole. Terminator is developed with a purpose of producing a useful tools for arranging terminals, arrangement of terminals in grids like tabs in the most common default method that Terminator also supports. Also notable features are Automatic Logging, Drag & Drop - Text and URLs, even files, Horizontal Scrolling, Multiple Tabs, Number Reinterpretation, Portability - Written mostly in Java, with a small POSIX C++ part (for pseudo-terminal support) and a Ruby invocation script, Intelligent Vertical Scrolling; resume auto-scrolling, Safe Quit etc.

4. The console
The console is a Windows console and Window enhancement application just like Mintty. Some advanced features of Console are multiple tabs, text editor just like text selection, and multiple background types, alpha and color key transparency, multiple window styles, etc. Console for Windows is entirely different from the integrated command system in all Windows operating systems. In command system of Windows, users can’t perform the copy & paste function.

5. GNOME Terminal 
GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulator for GNOME desktop. GNOME Terminal lets the programmers and developers to access UNIX shell while being on the graphical desktop. GNOME Terminal actually emulates the xterm terminal emulator and provides some of the same features. The intuitive features of GNOME Terminal are support for multiple files, compatibility, colored text, background, mouse events, text rewrapping on resizing, URL detection, tabs, safe quit, and many more.

6. Cygwin 
Cygwin is a Linux-based application for Windows that make it easy to port running on POSIX systems including Linux, BSD, and UNIX-based systems to Windows operating systems. Cygwin is one of the largest collections of GNU and open source tools that provide functionality similar to a Linux based distribution on Windows operating systems. Cygwin is also a DLL that provides substantial POSIX API functionality.

7. PowerShell 
PowerShell is basically a task configuration and automation management framework that is developed by the Microsoft. That is why it is also called as Windows PowerShell. The parts of PowerShell are command-line shell and associated scripting language built on the .NET framework. PowerShell provides the developers and programmers a full access to WMI and COM. The usage of PowerShell are not restricted to developers and programmers only.

8. KiTTY 
KiTTY is for Windows operating systems and regarded as the one of the best telnet and SSH client in the world. The stunning features of KiTTY are automatic password system, session’s filters, the session launcher, transparency, always visible, etc. KiTTY is actually a fork of PuTTY. KiTTY runs on Windows had it has an impressive collection of one of the best features that are missing in all versions of PuTTY.

So which one you gonna use and which one is your favorite don't forget to mention :)

This post written by List-Rooster
