The famous Node.js used for server-side and networking applications is an open source and a cross-platform, run-time environment. With its application written in JavaScript, the Node.js development services have been, of late, become highly sought after.
Ruby on Rails, on the contrary, is a web application framework. This model-view-controller framework offers default structures for a web service, web pages, and database. All that that, many a times, a question being asked is, which to use! Comparison of the two is also sought. So here we do it. Read on...
Frankly, they are poles apart
Node.js is not a framework. It is also not a new language. As mentioned above, it is an application runtime environment. Simply put, it enables writing server-side applications in JavaScript. Node has got low-level routing. Contrary to Node, Rails is an opinionated framework. As known to many, it is written in Ruby language.
Development speed
With regard to speed of development, Ruby on Rails scores well. A CRUD application with database migrations can be developed with the use of only a few commands through the command line using generators. However, a Node.js developer, building a web application, gets to find the modules and include them. Since there is a practical need for downloading a module, Node.js takes a good amount of time.
Learning curve
It isn't difficult to learn Rails. The main reason being that the availability of umpteen tutorials and courses. However, during the course of learning, it is important to understand things such as arrays, classes, objects, variables, models and Ruby level methods. Coming to the learning aspect of Node.js, the learning curve is very much less than Ruby on Rails. What sets Node apart is that it is not only the developers having a C or Java background have accessibility, but even the front-end developers can easily pick up.
Rails: a complete package
Models, views, controllers and data object models make Rails a complete ecosystem. They even come with clear interactions with OCD vertical integration. But in the case of Node.js, it needs a really heavy module interaction. Importantly, in Ruby on Rails, there is no such need of worrying with regard to data models.
Make and improve Ruby on Rails modules
Though Node has best start with NPM, it is the Ruby on Rails that has got highly robust sources for tools and also libraries. The Ruby Toolbox demonstrates the relative popularity of Ruby on Rails. As said, many of the modules that are ought to be selected in Node.js are integrated in Rails by default.
Having made it clear in the first point, it would only be odd to say that Node.js is best or Ruby on Rails is best. The developers choice is what that really holds water.