Sunday, 1 February 2015

Are You a Tech Savvy Teacher? 10 Signs say you are One


Are you a teacher? Do you put up assignments and notes on your blog? Your real PD happens online? Then congrats, you are a tech savvy teacher.
In the infograhpic below, there are these 10 signs that say that you are a tech savvy teacher. Having a teach savvy teacher is cool for students also. They like them as even students are so much connected to technology. See how this infographic proves you are a tech savvy teacher in a an amusing way.
You update your Twitter and social media status daily about everything happening in your life. Being tech savvy teacher is not an easy job, it takes time and efforts. You take time making all those online notes, questioners, displaying test scores online, helping your students solve problems online, you make your own Personal Learning Network and much more.
So, lets find out what else lies with a tech savvy teacher in the infographic below.
signs of tech savvy teacher
