Sunday, 1 February 2015

10 Crucial Steps to Build Your Author Rank


We all bloggers want to get our article/post indexed on first page of every search engine. As Google is the most popular search engine so, we put more efforts to rank well in Google.
Google has about 200 factors according to which it ranks a website. We implement hell lot of SEO techniques to rank well and to get a better page rank in next update. However, we tend to ignore other ranking factors.
It is important for Google to know the ranking of author or an article to rank the article. Every author needs to verify himself as Google shows verified author’s article in top results. Google provides Author Rank to rank authors just like it provides page rank to rank pages.
We have a very interesting infographic telling 10 crucial steps to build author rank and get better search results. Let us try to get more insight into author rank and how can we get a better ranking.
author rank
