Monday 26 January 2015

How to Increase Alexa Rank – 10 Proven Tips


Increase Alexa RankAlexa rank mirrors a website’s popularity and the overall traffic status. And every efforts to increase the alexa rank of your blog is time well spent.
There are lots of controversy about alexa rank and actual traffic status of a website. Still, a good number of advertisers rely on alexa rank of the site,before putting money on it.
I will tell you 10 genuine (not artificial), easy to implement and proven tips to improve your alexa rank in shortest possible time.
My sincere advice to bloggers is – Not to adopt unscrupulous methods (using software etc.) to artificially boost your blog’s alexa rank. Your alexa rank should looks natural, and it should coincide with the actual age of the blog or website.
REMEMBER: Alexa system counts traffic originating from browsers installed with “Alexa Toolbar” only. So, visitors visiting your blog without having Alexa Toolbar in their browsers are discounted by its ranking algorithm.

1. Claiming your site

The first and foremost thing you should do to improve your alexa rank is to –Claim your site.
Enter your site’s domain name, description and country name carefully and correctly. Your site description should be short, descriptive and informative enough to portrays your site’s brand value to attract advertisers. This short description should also contains the important keywords related to your niche.
When you claim your site, you have to place the Alexa ID inside your blog header, thereby helping alexa system to access and evaluate your site effectively. By claiming, you can also respond to user reviews about your site.

2. Installing Alexa Toolbar

The next step is – Installing Alexa Toolbar in your browser. Point to remember is, you should install the toolbar in the browser and PC/Laptop which you use most of the time to update and visit your blog.
I mean, you should always access and publish your blog content using the same browser and PC installed with Alexa Toolbar. It helps to increase your alexa rank in a big way.

3. Display Alexa Widget

Place Alexa Traffic Widget on your blog or site. Again, an effective way to improve alexa rank.
When visitors click on the Alexa Widget displayed on your site, the traffic algorithm receives a +Ve signal, thereby boosting your alexa rank. Simply, displaying of the traffic widget also works like a charm.

4. Publish Content Regularly

Frequent updating of your blog with fresh and unique articles is the 2nd most important tip to increase alexa rank. The 1st is – Traffic originating from browser installed with Alexa Toolbar.
Alexa system loves fresh content, just like any other search engines. So, publish at least 3 to 5 blog posts every week. Frequency of content publication is directly proportional to the increase in alexa rank.

5. User Engagement

The more your users are engaged on your blog, due to more page views, low bounce rate or more time spent; the better will be your alexa rank.
This can be achieved by writing informative, unique and fresh content on a regular basis. This is almost similar to the ranking signals used by Google to rank content in SERPs.

6. Collect Links

The momentum of your link collection is directly proportional to increase in alexa rank.
You can adopt methods like guest blogging, infographic, link baiting with unique or controversial blog posts etc. Consider guest blogging in your niche for editorials links.
Breaking a great piece of news on your blog and social media also attracts lots of links from other sites.

7. Blog Commenting

A great way to collect back-links to increase alexa rank.
All incoming links, including links from blog comments is displayed on your Alexa site-info page. But you should only add comments on blogs belong to your niche, and your comments should be constructive and add value to the topic. Finally, use this strategy in moderation, to be on safe side (Google Penguin).

8. Visitors Review

Reviews submitted by your visitors helps to improve your alexa rank instantly.
You can display an Alexa Review Widget on your blog, and appeal your fans and followers in social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to write a review. There are evidence of alexa rank Boost in a short span of time due to more number of reviews.
Again, over a period of time, blogs with more number of visitors reviews achieve higher alexa rank faster than blogs with fewer reviews, with same amount of traffic an links.

9. Target Your Content for Webmasters

If your blog posts are meant for bloggers and webmasters, then your alexa rank will increase rapidly. Because they will always visit your site from their browsers installed with Alexa Toolbar.

10. SEO Your Blog and Blog Posts

Finally, traffic counts, when it comes to improving your alexa rank.
Search engine optimize your blog theme and every blog posts for higher ranking in search engines. The more the traffic visit your blog, the better will be your alexa rank.
Apart from organic traffic, visitors from social networking sites, specially webmasters and bloggers also help in a great way. So, social media marketing should be in your agenda for a fast increase in Alexa Traffic rank.
