Wednesday, 26 March 2014

SessionID management


What is SessionID?

Many users are interacting with the server and for each user a session is created in the server and it get identified uniquely by the SessionID. At the time of creation of session for each user a unique ID is generated by the Container which keep every user's session different from each other, is called as jsessionid.

How SessionID is managed internally?

To identify the request uniquely  from a particular client machine within its session, the SessionID is used .This ID is fed into the client machine in the  Cookies with the first response after session creation with other some other information like domain and server name.It comes with every request in the request header from the client machine and get matched with the jsessionid value present in the server. If it gets matched then it confirms that the request is valid for this active session, and if not matched then a new session is again created by the Container and again a new jsessionid created and returned back to the client machine with the response.

Note : 
*jsession is managed both by the client and the server. In the client machine it is stored in the cookie with the name jsessionid and at the server side also it is stored with the name jsessionid. 

*Request header carries the jsessionid information with every request.

*Response header carries the cookies which is having the jsessionid information with the first response after creating the session object. 
