Thursday, 14 November 2013

Access Modifiers in java


Access Modifier in java defines the scope of accessibility of methods, constructors, variables etc. So to access the different members of the class/interfaces with different scope we have three access modifiers :

1. Public   --> Defines visibility everywhere        
2. Private   --> Defines visibility within the current class only    
3. Protected  --> Defines visibility within the same package and outside the package with
                          the object of the sub-class extending the class in another package. 

4. default --> Defines the visibility within the package only. 

Note: If we are not using any access modifier then by default the modifier will be " default " and explicitly we cannot use default as default is already a keyword in java.

Difference between access modifiers and modifiers 

Access modifier 
  • It defines the scope of visibility or accessibility of the members of the class.
  • Public, protected, private and default are the access modifiers used in java.
  • Except public and by default "default " modifier is used with the class .
  • We cannot use private and protected with the class.
  • It cab be at class or package level.

  •  It provides the restriction to the methods and variables about its accessibility at the class level.
  • Static,final,abstract,synchronized, volatile are the modifiers used in java.
  • We cannot use static with the main class and hence can be used with inner class.
  • Final can be used with the class indicates that it cannot be extended by other classes.
