Network Overview
Python provides a wide assortment of network support.
- Low-level programming with sockets (if you want to create a protocol).
- Support for existing network protocols (HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc...).
- Web programming (CGI scripting and HTTP servers).
- Data encoding
Network Basics: TCP/IP
Python’s networking modules primarily support TCP/IP.
- TCP - A reliable connection-oriented protocol (streams).
- UDP - An unreliable packet-oriented protocol (datagrams).
TCP is the most common (HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc...). Both protocols are supported using "sockets".
A socket is a file-like object. Allows data to be sent and received across the network like a file. But it also includes functions to accept and establish connections. Before two machines can establish a connection, both must create a socket
Network Basics: Ports
In order to receive a connection, a socket must be bound to a port (by the server). A port is a number in the range 0-65535 that’s managed by the OS. Used to identify a particular network service (or listener). Ports 0-1023 are reserved by the system and used for common protocols:
- FTP Port 20
- Telnet Port 23
- SMTP (Mail) Port 25
- HTTP (WWW) Port 80
Ports above 1024 are reserved for user processes.
Socket programming in a nutshell
- Server creates a socket, binds it to some well-known port number, and starts listening.
- Client creates a socket and tries to connect it to the server (through the above port).
- Server-client exchange some data.
- Close the connection (of course the server continues to listen for more clients).
Socket Programming Example
The socket module
Provides access to low-level network programming functions. The following example is a simple server that returns the current time
import time, socket
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)#Create TCP socket
s.bind(("",8888)) #Bind to port 8888
s.listen(5) #Start listening
while 1:
client,addr = s.accept() #Wait for a connection
print "Got a connection from ", addr
client.send(time.ctime(time.time())) #Send time back
Notes: The socket first opened by server is not the same one used to exchange data.Instead, the accept() function returns a new socket for this (’client’ above).listen() specifies max number of pending connections
The following example is the client program for the above time server which connect to time server and get current time.
from socket import *
s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) #Create TCP socket
s.connect(("",8888)) #Connect to server
tm = s.recv(1024) #Receive up to 1024 bytes
s.close() # Close connection
print "The time is", tm
Notes: Once connection is established, server/client communicate using send() and recv(). Aside from connection process, it’s relatively straightforward. Of course, the devil is in the details. And are there ever a LOT of details.
The Socket Module
The socket module used for all low-level networking, creation and manipulation of sockets, and general purpose network functions (hostnames, data conversion, etc...). It’s a direct translation of the BSD socket interface.
Utility Functions
- socket.gethostbyname(hostname) # Get IP address for a host
- socket.gethostname() # Name of local machine
- socket.ntohl(x) # Convert 32-bit integer to host order
- socket.ntohs(x) # Convert 16-bit integer to host order
- socket.htonl(x) # Convert 32-bit integer to network order
- socket.htons(x) # Convert 16-bit integer to network order
Comments: Network order for integers is big-endian. Host order may be little-endian or big-endian (depends on the machine).
The socket(family, type, proto) function creates a new socket object. Family is usually set to AF_INET. Type is one of:
- SOCK_STREAM Stream socket (TCP)
- SOCK_DGRAM Datagram socket (UDP)
- SOCK_RAW Raw socket
Proto is usually only used with raw sockets:
Socket methods
- s.accept() # Accept a new connection
- s.bind(address) # Bind to an address and port
- s.close() # Close the socket
- s.connect(address) # Connect to remote socket
- s.fileno() # Return integer file descriptor
- s.getpeername() # Get name of remote machine
- s.getsockname() #Get socket address as (ipaddr,port)
- s.getsockopt(...) # Get socket options
- s.listen(backlog) # Start listening for connections
- s.makefile(mode) # Turn socket into a file like object
- s.recv(bufsize) # Receive data
- s.recvfrom(bufsize) # Receive data (UDP)
- s.send(string) # Send data
- s.sendto(string, address) # Send packet (UDP)
- s.setblocking(flag) #Set blocking or nonblocking mode
- s.setsockopt(...) #Set socket options
- s.shutdown(how) #Shutdown one or both halves of connection
There are a huge variety of configuration/connection options. You’ll definitely want a good reference at your side
The SocketServer Module
Provides a high-level class-based interface to sockets. Each protocol is encapsulated in a class (TCPServer, UDPServer, etc.). It also provides a series of handler classes that specify additional server behavior.
To create a network service, need to inherit from both a protocol and handler class. Example, the same time server we done before:
import SocketServer
import time
# This class actually implements the server functionality
class TimeHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
# Create the server
server = SocketServer.TCPServer("",8888),TimeHandler)
Notes: The module provides a number of specialized server and handler types. Ex: ForkingTCPServer, ThreadingTCPServer, StreamRequestHandler, etc.
Common Network Protocols
Modules are available for a variety of network protocols:
- ftplib FTP protocol
- smtplib SMTP (mail) protocol
- nntplib News
- gopherlib Gopher
- poplib POP3 mail server
- imaplib IMAP4 mail server
- telnetlib Telnet protocol
- httplib HTTP protocol
These modules are built using sockets, but operate on a very low-level. Working with them requires a good understand of the underlying protocol. But can be quite powerful if you know exactly what you are doing
The httplib Module
Implements the HTTP 1.0 protocol and can use to talk to a web server.
HTTP in two bullets:
- Client (e.g., a browser) sends a request to the server
GET /index.html HTTP/1.0
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; U; SunOS 5.6 sun4u)
[blank line]
- Server responds with something like this:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-type: text/html
Content-length: 72883
Headers: blah
[blank line]
Making an HTTP connection
import httplib
h = httplib.HTTP("")
h.putheader(’User-Agent’,’Lame Tutorial Code’)
errcode,errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
f = h.getfile() # Get file object for reading data
data =
You should understand some HTTP to work with httplib.
The urllib Module
A high-level interface to HTTP and FTP which provides a file-like object that can be used to connect to remote servers
import urllib
f = urllib.urlopen("")
data =
Utility functions
- urllib.quote(str) # Quotes a string for use in a URL
- urllib.quote_plus(str) # Also replaces spaces with ’+’
- urllib.unquote(str) # Opposite of quote()
- urllib.unquote_plus(str) # Opposite of quote_plus()
- urllib.urlencode(dict)
- # Turns a dictionary of key=value pairs into a HTTP query-string
urllib.quote("ebeid@ieee") #Produces "ebeid%40ieee"
urllib.unquote("%23%21/bin/sh") #Produces "/bin/sh"
The urlparse Module
Contains functions for manipulating URLs
- URL’s have the following general format
- urlparse(urlstring) - Parses a URL into components
import urlparse
t = urlparse.urlparse("")
#Produces (’http’,’’,’/index.html’,’’,’’,’’)
- urlunparse(tuple) - Turns tuple of components back into a URL string
url = urlparse.urlunparse((’http’,’’,’foo.html’, ’bar=spam’,’’))
# Produces ""
- urljoin(base, url) - Combines a base and relative URL
# Produces ""
In this note we explored horizontally the network programming capabilities of Python. Every single module and topic mentioned here, needs multiple posts to cover it. In the upcoming posts, we will dig into network programming in detail.